歌词 "The Supermen" 的中英对照歌词与中文翻译

The Supermen



English lyrics 中文翻译对照歌词

When all the world was very young 当所有的世界是很年轻

And mountain magic heavy hung 而魔山重雄

The supermen would walk in file 超人会走在文件

Guardians of a loveless isle 一个无情的小岛的守护者

And gloomy browed with superfear their tragic endless lives 阴郁白眉与superfear他们的悲惨不已的生活


Could heave nor sigh 可以投掷,也没有叹息

In solemn, perverse serenity, wondrous beings chained to life 在庄严的,反常的平静,奇妙的生物链式的生活


Strange games they would play then 奇怪的游戏,他们将发挥再

No death for the perfect men 没有死亡的完美男人

Life rolls into one for them 人生卷成一个为他们

So softly a supergod cries 于是轻声à supergod哭声


Where all were minds in uni-thought 在那里所有的人心中UNI-以为

Power weird by mystics taught 电源怪异的神秘主义者所教

No pain, no joy, no power too great 无痛苦,没有欢乐,没有权力太大

Colossal strength to grasp a fate 巨大的力量来掌握命运

Where sad-eyed mermen tossed in slumbers 凡满眼忧伤的人鱼扔在打盹


Nightmare dreams no mortal mind could hold 噩梦的梦想没有人的头脑能保持

A man would tear his brother's flesh, a chance to die 一个人想要破坏他的兄弟的肉,有机会死

To turn to mold. 要打开模具。


Far out in the red-sky 远在红色的天空

Far out from the sad eyes 远从悲伤的眼神

Strange, mad celebration 奇怪,疯狂庆祝

So softly a supergod cries 于是轻声à supergod哭声


Far out in the red-sky 远在红色的天空

Far out from the sad eyes 远从悲伤的眼神

Strange, mad celebration 奇怪,疯狂庆祝

So softly a supergod dies 于是轻声à supergod死亡

歌词 The Supermen 的中文对照歌词翻译地址:https://www.englisher.net/lyrics/lyric/the-supermen/

歌词 The Supermen 的作者与版权信息:


David Bowie


Tintoretto Music, Chrysalis Music Ltd.