英语人>词典>汉英 : 排水量吨 的英文翻译,例句
排水量吨 的英文翻译、例句


displacement ton
更多网络例句与排水量吨相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

H.M.S.Victory displaced over 3500tons and measure 226teet in length and 51 feet abeam .


"Modern corvettes, usually displacing 500-1,000 tons (454-900 metric tons) and armed with missile s, torpedoes, and machine guns, perform antisubmarine, antiaircraft, and coastal-patrol duties in small navies."


Months, according to an official of the Indian Defense Ministry said that the history's first nuclear-powered submarine made a "No. chacra"(that is,"No. annihilate those who" with a displacement of about 5000 tons, submerged speed of 30 miles, containing members 100) will be July 26 in Andhra Pradesh, Vishakapatnam harbor sea trial, but shortly after India announced that the country's first nuclear-powered submarine made of the water time will be postponed until the end of July, but certainly no more than in August, it was measured degrees 10 years ago July 26, India and Pakistan in Kashmir's Kargil region of intense military conflicts took place, July 26 to choose the "No. chacra" into the water to the adjacent State the meaning of the demonstration is too obvious, so the option of delaying the launching of time - good time India did not directly dragged into the water on August 1, China's Army Day.


In late 1995, France is reported to have offerred the Clemenceau for free, provided that China bought radar and communications systems from French companies. Nothing came of the offer.


For that reason, I would guesstimate that 25% of this additional power is simply wasted in generating air bubbles around the blades. That being the case, then at a Trial Displacement of 53,900 tons, a tad over 34 knots would appear to be a top number. For a Light Ship Displacement of 51,000 tons, 36 knots would seem to be possible.


Standard displacement of 57,000 tons, 67,500 tons full load displacement.


This model weighs 18 tons and simulates a ship displacing 286,000 tons.


The two flattops each would be between 50,000 and 60,000 tons, be conventionally powered and patrol the South China Sea, according to the report in Japan's Asahi Shimbun newspaper, which cited Chinese "shipbuilding sources."


The North Carolina Journal of International Law and Commercial Regulation is a student-run legal journal at the University of North Carolina School of Law in Chapel Hill , North Carolina .


Fully laden, Bismarck and her sister-ship Tirpitz would each displace more than 50,000 tons.


更多网络解释与排水量吨相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但K-222潜艇成为其他两级潜艇的测试艇,即排水量比较小的(2300吨)"阿尔法"(Alfa)级攻击核潜艇和排水量较大的导弹运输艇. 由于其造价高昂(其船体与K-222一样采用钛合金),在上个世纪70年代和80年代初只建造了7艘"阿尔法"级核潜艇.

displacement ton:排水吨

displacement table 排水量计算表 | displacement ton 排水吨 | displacement ton 排水吨数

displacement ton:排水量吨

排水量计算表 displacement sheet | 排水量吨 displacement ton | 排水量吨位 displacement tonnage


排水量(Displacement) 舰艇在静止水中船体入水部份所排开水的重量称为排水量,计量单位为吨(Tons);对水面舰而言,排水量等於舰艇重量, 对潜水舰而言,排水量是可调节的,当排水量大於艇重时舰艇上浮,当排水量小於艇重时舰艇下沉.

HMS Dreadnaught:无畏"号战列舰

无畏舰(Dreadnaught)的名字来源于英国海军的"无畏"号战列舰(HMS Dreadnaught). 它采用了统一型号的重型火炮,以及高功率的蒸汽轮机. 其设计实现了意大利著名工程师库尼贝迪上校的构想,排水量17,900吨,航速21节,装备有安装在五座炮塔内的10门305毫米主炮,


随后三艘已经被命名为HMS"天龙座"(Dragon)号、HMS"保卫者"(Defender)号和HMS"邓肯"(Duncan)号. 英国海军"勇敢"级45型驱逐舰排水量达到约8,000吨,设计最高速度高于27节,航程大于7,000海里. 英国海军"勇敢"级45型驱逐舰的主要任务是提供局部区域舰队防御,

deadweight metric ton:载重公吨

deadweight efficiency 载重排水量比率 | deadweight metric ton 载重公吨 | deadweight plan 载重量曲线

displacement tonnage:排水[量]吨位

(二)排水量吨位(Displacement Tonnage)排水量吨位是船舶在水中所排开水的吨数,也是船舶自身重量的吨数. 排水量吨位又可分为轻排水量、重排水量和实际排水量三种. 方便旗船(Flag of Convenience)是指在外国登记、悬挂外国国旗并在国际市场上进行营运的船舶.

Light Displacement Tonnage:轻吨

light diesel 轻柴油 | Light Displacement Tonnage 轻吨 | Light Displacement 空载排水量

dead weight scale:载重表尺

载重表尺(Dead weight scale)是按船舶在静止、正浮状态下,空船重量至满载排水量之间的平均吃水高度,标有与相对应的排水量、载重量、每厘米吃水吨数、厘米纵倾力矩、横稳心距基线高度等数值以及附有载重线标志的图表.