英语人>词典>汉英 : 把...分解 的英文翻译,例句
把...分解 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
reduce  ·  reduces

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Using the substitution-elimination method affine algebraic variety can be resolved to pure d-dimensional subvariety and expressed by an algebraic hypersurface on d+1-dimensional space with a sequence of elimination-polynomial systems. All 0-dimensional solution can be found, too.


A software construction method satisfies Modular Decomposability if it helps in the task of decomposing a software problem into a small number of less complex subproblems, connected by a simple structure, and independent enough to allow further work to proceed separately on each of them


A corollary of the decomposability requirement is division of labor : once you have decomposed a system into subsystems you should be able to distribute work on these subsystems among different people or groups.


Concretely, we hope to know whether a central hyperplane arrangement can be decomposed into several irreducible subarrangements or not.


Special attention should be paid when we apply the decomposition method to two-point boundary value problems, it is necessary to solve a algebraic system;It should be noted that a modification of inverse operator should be made when dealing with singular boundary value problems;Laplace transform and Pade approximants can be coupled to enhance the efficiency of the decomposition method.


The process whereby heavy molecules of naphtha or petroleum are broken down into hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight (especially in the oil-refining process).


Whereby heavy molecules of naphtha or petroleum are broken down into hydrocarbons of lower molecular weight (especially in the oil-refining process).


Most microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, are decomposers; they break down, or catabolize, the organic materials produced by plants and animals and make the nutrients contained in them available to successive generations of living things.


Therefore,a fast algorithm of NMF is presented.By some algebra formulation,the matrix to be factorized is changed into a low-dimension matrix which is a diagonal matrix whose dimension is related to the number of samples.Moreover the feature extraction for one sample only needs to calculate the inner product.


Theresult showed that the stability and accuracy of α-Si-Mo heterophony acid absorption photometry methodwere improved higher than that of β-Si-Mo heterophony acid method can be used for daily rapid analysisof high content of silicon in the ceramic chalk.


更多网络解释与把...分解相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


原料必须透过分解师从传奇物品分解,再把分解出来的玛那(Mana)交给裁缝匠作成Occult Stitching装饰物品,最后你再把Occult Stitching使用在自己手套上名称:Reinforced Gnomeproof Beaker:等级20 炼金师(Alchemist) 栏位charm名

break BR:部分删除对象或把对象分解为两部分

BOX 创建三维的长方体 | BREAK br 部分删除对象或把对象分解为两部分 | BROWSER 启动系统注册表中设置的缺省Web浏览器

bread down... into:把...分解为、分(类)为

164brawln. 争吵; v. 争吵 | 165bread down... into...把...分解为、分(类)为 | 166break away from脱离;离开

to bread down a substance into its components:把一种物质分解成各种物质

break down分解 | to bread down a substance into its components把一种物质分解成各种物质 | break in突然打断

Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances:人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质

She took up the story where Tim had left off.... | Chemicals in the body break our food down into useful substances. 人体中的化学元素把食物分解成有用的物质. | The peace talks are said to have broken d...

Break down 1:(汽车等)抛锚; (机器)停止运转, 发生故障 2.把...分解

blow over 平息; 平安地过去 | break down 1.(汽车等)抛锚; (机器)停止运转, 发生故障 2.把...分解 | catch one's breath 缓口气, 歇口气


域的面积和周长(AREA)AR ---- 创建按指定方式排列的多重对象副本(ARRAY)H、BH ---- 使用图案填充封闭区域或选定对象(BHATCH)B ---- 根据选定对象创建块定义(BLOCK)BR ---- 部分删除对象或把对象分解为两部分(BREAK)CHA ----


compose:"共同放在一起"--组成 | decompose:"把组成的东西向下弄没了"--分解 | depose:"向下放"--免职、降职


许多不同的方法可以用来把化合物(compound)分解(resolve)成它们的元素. 有时候,但不是常常,只要热就够了. 英国化学家Joseph Priestly在200年前就发现了氧(oxygen). 把化合物分解成元素的一种更为普通的方法被称为电解(electrolysis).


特别是在做出影响项目整个过程的主要决策的概念阶段. 要制订完善的项目计划,就有必要对项目进行分解,即把复杂的项目逐步分解成一层一层的子任务,直到具体、明确为止. 20世纪60年代中期发展起来的"工作分解结构"(WBS)是项目分解方法之一;.