英语人>词典>汉英 : 意义 的英文翻译,例句
意义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
bearing  ·  denotation  ·  hang  ·  meaning  ·  pith  ·  port  ·  ports  ·  purport  ·  significance  ·  significancy  ·  signification  ·  hangs  ·  piths  ·  porting  ·  purporting  ·  purports  ·  significances

更多网络例句与意义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Results 1 there were no significant differences of amplitude of accommodation and accommodative lag between the myopia group and emmetropia group. The differences of amplitude of accommodation between the myopia group and hyperopia group were significant (t=2.21, P=0.03.05; t=2.83, P=0.006.05). 2 The difference of accommodative lag between the dominant eye (0.73±0.31) D and non-dominant eyes (0.81±0.38) D in myopia group was signiflcant.3 The accommodative lag of dominant eyes was (0.68±0.36) D and it of non-dominant eyes was (0.75±0.34) D, the difference was significant (t=2.06, P=0.042.05, n=95).There was no significant difference between the amplitude of accommodation of dominant eye (12.9±3.09) D and non-dominant eyes (12.6±3.09) D.

结果 近视患儿的主导眼和非主导眼的调节幅度和调节滞后与正视儿童均差异无统计学意义;而其主导眼和非主导眼的调节幅度比远视患儿明显更大(t=2.21, P=0.03.05; t=2.83,P=0.006.05);两组的调节滞后差异无统计学意义。50例近视患儿主导眼和非主导眼的调节滞后值分别为(0.73±0.31)D和(0.81±0.38)D,主导眼和非主导眼间差异有统计学意义(t=2.14,P=0.038.05);调节幅度分别为(13.39±3.51)D和(13.26±0.60)D,差异无统计学意义。95例观察对象的主导眼的调节滞后度为(0.68±0.36)D,非主导眼调节滞后度为(0.75±0.34)D,主导眼和非主导眼间的差异有统计学意义(t=2.06, P=0.042.05);主导眼调节幅度(12.9±3.09)D,非主导眼为(12.6±3.09)D,差异无统计学意义(t=1.49, P=0.14)。

Natural meaning and nonnatural meaning; utterer's meaning, sentence-meaning and word-meaning ;utterer's meaning and intention .


With the help of the mathematical logic, he distinguished the differences among the types of meaning , i.e. natural meaning and nonnatural meaning; utterer"s meaning, sentence-meaning and word-meaning ;utterer"s meaning and intention .


Thus the translator as a negotiator is supposed to optimize the relevance of the original text or writer and the target readers: The translator produces the text that yields sufficient contextual effect and meanwhile whose readers do not have to spend unnecessary effort processing it. The paper explores the instances concerning the study of the following questions in translation theory:(1) the indeterminacy, open-endedness and the fuzziness characteristics of the text or meaning;(2) content and form, and (3) readers expectation.Starting with exploring the nature of the implicature, we find out its three characteristics: the strength of communication, communicating a range of ideas and responsibility. The combination of these characteristics can lead to poetic richness and beauty.


A word may have multi layered meanings, such as denotative meaning, connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning, collocative meaning,etc.


Geoffrey Leech divided the associative meaning into five parts, including connotative meaning, social meaning, affective meaning, reflected meaning and collocative meaning.


The author holds that as a kind of culture, science possesses at least below five kinds of humanistic significance and humanistic value: 1. cognitive significance and cognitive value; 2. thoughtful significance and thoughtful value; 3.intelligential significance and intelligential value; 4. spiritual significance and spiritual value; 5. aethetic significance and aethetic value.


The author holds that as a kind of culture, science possesses at least below five kinds of humanistic significance and humanistic value:①the cognitive significance and cognitive value;②thoughtful significance and thoughtful value;③intelligential significance and intelligential value;④spiritual significance and spiritual value;⑤aethetic significance and aethetic value.


And pragmatic meaning is the meaning built on the relation of signs to the interpreters who use the signs. The present dissertation applies Peirce's triadic division of signs and Morris's three types of meaning to the study of translation.


This chapter starts with the determination of primary sense of under. Then it focuses on how its spatial senses are extended from the central image schema to its transformations by metonymy. Next, this part also focuses on how its metaphorical senses are extended in terms of the central image schema and transformations by metaphor. In these analyses, this thesis summarizes four kinds of relations: the relation of UP-DOWN, the relation of HIGH-LOW, COVERING relation or the relation of IN-OUT and the relation of SOURCE-PATH-GOAL. Lots of metaphorical senses of under are derived from these basic spatial relations. In this thesis, the relations between the senses derived from central image schema and those derived from its transformations are explored at length. The relations between the spatial senses derived from central image schema and transformations and the metaphorical senses derived from them are also explored at length. The above analyses demonstrate that the sense extension of the spatial preposition is motivated by image schema, which also provides the root for metonymic and metaphorical extension. The semantic network of under is diagramed finally.


更多网络解释与意义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

contextual meaning:语境意义

对一个语篇的理解包括四个层面: 1) 概念意义(conceptual meaning)-单词的独立意义; 2) 命题意义(propositional meaning) -小句或句子的意义; 3) 语境意义(contextual meaning) -句子在特定的情景或语言环境中的意义;

contextual meaning:上下文意义

由上述诸例可以看出,一个句子的意义是可以通过句子的结构形式加以判定的,但是,句子的交际功能便只有在具体的上下文或语境中才能确定,这种从上下文中得出的意思也是一种意义,它叫做情景意义(Situational Meaning)或者叫做上下文意义(Contextual Meaning),以示区别于结构意


要做到准确挑选,有必要主意词语的两种意义:"基本功意义"(denotation)和"引申意义"(connotation). 前者指该词语的本身,或客观的固有含义,后者指该词语在确定搭配或上下句中呈现的更多有联系意义,往往较量含蓄,带有词语实际运用者的主观态度或感情色彩.

denotative meaning:外延意义

所谓概念意义, 也叫外延意义( denotative meaning) 或认知意义( cognitive meaning) ,是词汇的最基本意义, 是语言符号所代表的事物的最基本特征的抽象概括, 常视作是词语在字典中的定义或释义.

primary meaning:原始意义

1)从原始意义到派生意义 原始意义(primary meaning)的词(本义词)在语言发展过程中派生出其它词义,如名词play的原始意义为"操练"或"活动",在sword play(剑术),free play(随意活动)等短语中可见,它的派生意义有"戏剧"、"剧本"、"玩耍"等,

meaningful memorizing:意义识记

意义识记(meaningful memorizing)通过理解材料的意义,把握材料内容的识记. 它是建立在更高智力水平上的记忆. 意义识记的基本条件是对材料的理解和进行思维加工. 有些材料,如科学概念、范畴、定理、法则和规律、历史事件、文艺作品等,都是有意义的.

referential meaning:所指意义

概念意义是词义的核心,它直接地、明确地表示所指对象,所以概念意义又叫做"所指意义"(referential meaning). 词的概念意义一旦固定下来以后,这种意义是比较明确的,具有相对稳定性. 关联意义是词的附带意义,包括词的感情色彩和文体意义等,

referential meaning:指称意义

"在表意的层面上,语言符号的意义可以从两个角度去认识,即指称意义(referential meaning)和语用意义(pragmatic meaning). 指称意义是语言符号和它所描绘或叙述的主观世界或客观世界的实体和事件之间的关系,它主要同交际主题相关.

designative meaning:指称意义

在一个特定的意义系统里,所指意义往往是一个语言符号的中心意义或核心意义,它通常等同于我们经常听到的指称意义(designative meaning)、概念意义或理性意义(conceptual meaning)、认知意义(cognitive meaning)等,尽管有些语言学家或哲学家常对它们加以区分.

lexical meaning:词汇意义

结合课文介绍词语的文化内涵词语一般具有三重意义:词汇意义(lexical meaning)、结构意义(structure meaning)和社会文化意义(social cultural meaning).