英语人>词典>汉英 : 公认的意义 的英文翻译,例句
公认的意义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与公认的意义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

And meaning of the word 'arrow' as used in target archery, and that such arrows do


In China, it is universally acknowledged that porcelain was introduced in Eastern Han Dynasty in the strict sense.


During this process London Gazette appeared which was agreed to be the first modern newspaper in its full sense.


Development of a commonly accepted descriptive nosology for psychiatric disorders worldwide has been a tremendous benefit for patients and for research.


Which factor distinct "the propagandism to be Art"and "the propagandism in the name of Art"?


Moreover, we think it must be recognized that there is a strong and widespread demand for retribution in the sense of reprobation—not always unmixed in the popular mind with that of atonement and expiation.


Because agriculture is the world resists the natural disaster ability generally acceptedly very bad of" the minority industry", the our country is one of the most serious nations in generally accepted natural disaster in world again, the perfect agriculture insurance system's steady development toward the guarantee agriculture economy have the biggest realistic meaning.


She herself had no pretension to found a school in the accepted sense of the term, and there is no vestige in her writings of any influence of the Areopagite, the Patristic, or the Scholastic Mystical schools, as represented among others, by the German Dominican Mystics.

她却没有预紧力,以发现,一所学校里公认的意义上来说,并没有痕迹,在她的著作的任何影响力的areopagite ,教父,或在学术上的神秘学校,作为代表等,由德国多米尼加神秘主义者。

In its best-established sense, fortuitous means "happening by accident or chance," with no implication as to the desirability of the outcome: a fortuitous meeting may have either fortunate or unfortunate consequences.

从最公认的意义上说,fortuitous 的意思是&偶然发生的&,不暗示结果是否称心:临时会议可以有好或坏的结果。

Besides its world-known historical meaning, symbolism in this novel draws many people's attention.


更多网络解释与公认的意义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


acceptation 词义 | acceptation 公认的意义 | acceptbribesbribery 受贿


实际上, 在波斯纳之前, 富勒(Fuller) 教授就已经提出了对信赖利益之损害应予赔偿的观点. 他在被公认为具有里程碑意义的论文>中指出[20], 理论上一直被忽视的信赖利益的赔偿在现实的判例中正在进行.

malignant glioma:恶性胶质瘤

脑恶性胶质瘤(malignant glioma)被公认为最恶性的脑部肿瘤,也是成人中最为常见的一种原发性恶性脑瘤,近期来自杜克大学医学中心,约翰霍普金斯大学的研究人员等人发现了这种脑癌的最原始,最关键的基因突变, 这不仅对于脑恶性胶质瘤的诊断和治疗意义重大,

Human rights:人权

核心提示:一 "人权"概念之发展及其意涵 "人权"(human rights)的概念是西方文化的产物,这已是一个公认的事实. 在中国传统文化中,不但未发展为便于以下的讨论,第三点需要略作说明. 所谓"目的论伦理学"是坚持:道德义务或道德价值之最后判准在于其所产生的非道德价值(非道德意义的"善"

molecular pharmacology:分子药理学

这项具有突破性意义的发现很快得到国际学术界和公认,在a1-AR亚型研究的发展史上占有一定的地位;主要结果在>(Nature)与>(Molecular Pharmacology)等杂志发表;近年来系统研究(1-AR亚型在心血管分布、功能意义以及病理生理改变,


忽略人心灵真正之需要,人找不到真正的生命意义, 特别是贫苦之百姓. 3.神将权柄委托给这些人,为"委托"(DELEGATED)之权柄. 神的仆人们把这些话语记载下来,其中有"内蕴"(INHER- ENT)的力量. 其"内容"之价值及具统一性被"公认"(AC


实际上, 在波斯纳之前, 富勒(Fuller) 教授就已经提出了对信赖利益之损害应予赔偿的观点. 他在被公认为具有里程碑意义的论文<<合同损害赔偿中的信赖利益>>中指出[20], 理论上一直被忽视的信赖利益的赔偿在现实的判例中正在进行.