英语人>词典>汉英 : 怀疑论 的英文翻译,例句
怀疑论 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
scepticism  ·  skepticism

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But individual human beings have purposes, and there is nothing in agnosticism to cause them to abandon these purposes.


The worry here is that there is always going to be something intellectually unsatisfactory about an antiskeptical proposal that is run along epistemologically externalist lines.18


In general, although the point is not always put in these terms, the complaint is that these recent anti-skeptical approaches offer us, at best, an epistemologically externalist response to skepticism when what we wanted was one that functioned within an epistemologically internalist framework.

一般来说(尽管这个关键点通常不是这样提出的),对这些最近的反怀疑论进路的抱怨是,这些至多是对怀疑论的认识上的外在论回应『 epistemologically externalist response 』,而我们所需要的是要在认识上的内在论框架『 epistemologically internalist framework 』内起作用的回应。

Despite the current popularity of externalist accounts of knowledge, however, one might be less sanguine about the prospects for an externalist response to the problem of radical skepticism. The reason for this is that the skeptical puzzle seems to itself strike against the prima facie attraction of an externalist account of knowledge.


Provided that one is willing to make the plausible move of construing "eliminate" here in terms of the ability to know the negation of, then one straightforwardly gets the requisite link between infallibilism and (S2) since the skeptical hypothesis in question (whichever skeptical hypothesis it is) will clearly be an error possibility which must be known to be false if the agent is to have knowledge of the ordinary proposition at issue.


The conclusion such arguments hope to draw is not a refutation of some variety of epistemic skepticism via a demonstration of the alternative, but rather a demonstration of the unintelligibility of the skeptical position.


In so doing, we will be setting aside concerns discussed by Anthony Brueckner (1994b) and Stewart Cohen (1998c) that skeptical arguments might instead rest upon a different epistemic principle entirely, what they term an "underdetermination" principle.2 Relatedly, we will also be taking a very modern Cartesian understanding of the skeptical argument for granted, and therefore ignoring the emergence of renewed interest in classical Pyrrhonian skeptical arguments by such figures as Williams (1988b) and Robert Fogelin (1994).3 Finally, attention will be confined to those anti-skeptical theories of knowledge which are genuinely capable (given, of course, that they are correct) of meeting the skeptical challenge.

在这样做的时候,我们会把有些有关系的讨论放到一边,例如Anthony Brueckner (1994b)和 Stewart Cohen (1998c)所指出的怀疑论论证可以依赖于不同的认识论原则,他们称为&不确定性原则『&underdetermination& principle』&。[2]相关的,我们也会承认对怀疑论论证的笛卡尔式理解,因此忽略了出现的对古典Pyrrhonian怀疑论论证的重新关注,例如Williams (1988b)和 Robert Fogelin (1994)。[3]最后,也不会去关注这样的反怀疑论理论,这些真正能够和怀疑论挑战交锋。

Christopher Hookway sympathetically describes the impact of MTAs on skepticism as giving us permission to "resist" skeptical doubts by showing we need not take their challenge seriously. 40 This result, he claims, legitimates existing confidence by preventing doubt from arising.

Hookway同情地表达MTAs对怀疑论的影响:允许我们通过指明我们无需认真对待怀疑论的挑战而'抵抗怀疑论的怀疑'。40 这个结果使得通过'阻止怀疑的提出'而'有信心'是legitimate的。

Although Wright does succeed in at least showing how the diagnosis of radical skepticism that the hinge proposition line offers might lead to a refutation of the skeptical argument, a number of problems with his approach remain.


So either our knowledge ascriptions in everyday contexts are right, in which case we shouldn't take skepticism so seriously in conversational contexts in which skepticism is at issue; or else the skeptic is right, and thus our everyday practice of ascribing knowledge is under threat.


更多网络解释与怀疑论相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


nanotechnology 纳米技术 | nihilism 虚无主义,极端怀疑论 | nomenclature (某一学科的)术语, 专门名称


saxophonist 吹萨克斯的人 | Pyrrhonist 绝对怀疑论者,怀疑论信徒 | 235.coercionist 高压政治论者,强制主义者




sceptical /怀疑论的/怀疑的/ | sceptically /怀疑性地/ | scepticism /怀疑论/怀疑主义/


)然而,20世纪的文学批评在繁荣的表象之下却是一个怀疑论(Scepticism)缺席的时代,这直接地影响了文学批评的思想厚度和削弱其批判的锋芒. 与此相关,20世纪中国的文学批评,往往是充当思想鹦鹉和知识看守的模仿式批评,


getting on my nerves 表示某人被惹怒了的短评语 | scepticism:怀疑论主义 | recoup:补偿,赔偿


skeptical /怀疑性的/怀疑论的/多疑的/多疑/ | skeptically /怀疑性地/ | skepticism /怀疑论/


什么是"怀疑论"(Skepticism)?这些问题一股脑儿地问过来. 我说,大约在基督教产生之前几百年,西方从古希腊的柏拉图(Plato)起,就开始把我们的"观念"或"理念"(idea)看成是比我们面对的世界或实在(reality)更为根本的东西,


antisensibilisin 抗致敏素 | antiskeptical 反怀疑论 | antisocial aggression 反社会性攻击


Pyrrho 皮洛 | Pyrrhonic 怀疑论 | Pyrrhonist 绝对怀疑论