英语人>词典>汉英 : 怀疑论者 的英文翻译,例句
怀疑论者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
sceptic  ·  skeptic

更多网络例句与怀疑论者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

It will, I think, help to clarify our conception of criminal responsibility if I confront a more cautious sceptic who , without committing himself to the meaning of those expressions or their logical or linguistic dependence on , or independence of, the negation of those types of law to which the determinist refers , yet criticizes our allocation of responsibility by reference to excusing conditions .


Or, another way to make the same point, an epistemologist who does endorse such a conception of introspection will not be bothered by the potential result that raising the skeptical threat ultimately questions whether the skeptic's subject has the beliefs the skeptic has attributed to her. This result would be uncomfortable only for the skeptic who begins by assuming that we know the contents of our beliefs.19


Nevertheless, the skeptic could insist, that, for the externalist, self-knowledge does notcome for free as within the Cartesian framework. The problem of skepticism seems to recurrjust one level up. Yet, we can answer this problem straightforwardly. As soon as the skepticaccepts the justification of externalism on the basis of modal intuitions, he can no longer

但是,这个反对意见基于预设"内容实在论需要自我知识的感知理论(即一个大多数外在论者都放弃的主张'外在论和以 privileged and non-empirical的方式到达mental content是相容的')",而且,怀疑论者会坚持'对外在论者来说自我知识并不如笛卡儿式框架那样是自带的'。

I used to be indecisive . Now I'm not sure.


I used to be indecisive. now im not sure.


Where p is a premiss the sceptic cannot fail to accept, and s is a proposition the sceptic typically doubts.


And it is doubts about whether we really can be sure of correspondence in this sense which originally motivate the skeptic and the relativist.


So there is a disanalogy between the rain skeptic's successful reply and the Cartesian skeptic's rebuttable reply.


He used Phato's ideas to attack what he saw as the materialism of the stoics and atomists, as well as to argue against the whole of epicurean philosophy.


Although the subject of much controversy among secularists and skeptics, as of the late 1990s and early 2000s, Indian universities have begun to create courses and curricula in the discipline.


更多网络解释与怀疑论者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


dormant 暂停活动的;潜在的;睡着的 | doubter 怀疑论者 | downshifter 过简朴生活者


小说中人物及背景介绍:毕若尼--小说主人翁,右眼患者,绝对怀疑论者(Pyrrhonist)近似音译. 麦纳斯--机器人,仿生学(bionics)近似音译,连接主义又称为仿生学派. 生理学家麦卡洛克(McCulloch)和数理逻辑学家皮茨(Pitts) 于1943年创立人工智能连结主义学派,


saxophonist 吹萨克斯的人 | Pyrrhonist 绝对怀疑论者,怀疑论信徒 | 235.coercionist 高压政治论者,强制主义者


把每一种规范的陈述(法律的或其他的)都视为有约束力的规范的陈述或创立价值的陈述. 这样一种语义的观点当然与价值怀疑论(value-scepticism)不谋而合. 这仅仅会导致怀疑论者相信所有的规范陈述都是错误的. 然而,凯尔森不是个怀疑论者(sceptic). 他是一个主观


erotic好色之徒 | sceptic怀疑论者,多疑的人,无神论者 | cataleptic全身僵硬病患者


该文最后一段如下:"怀疑论者"(Skeptic)现在不一定是那些"怀疑一切、打倒一切"的愤青了. 2002年7月号>(中文版)上有一篇文章,>. 该文最后一段如下:学院举行双周教师学术讲座活动,


skep /篮子/蜂箱/ | skeptic /怀疑者/怀疑论者/无神论者/ | skeptical /怀疑性的/怀疑论的/多疑的/多疑/

怀疑的 skeptic 怀疑论者:skeptical a

simulate v. 模仿,冒充,假装 | skeptical a. 怀疑的 skeptic 怀疑论者 | slack a. 松弛的


沿着这一思路,产生了一批对法院审理案件的推理方式(即法律推理)进行批判性研究的怀疑论者(Skeptics). 以卢埃林(K.N.Llewellyn)为代表的"规则怀疑论者"对法律规则能指引法官判决的传统观点表示怀疑,认为法律推理的大前提(法律规则)具有不确定性,

Doubt is part of all religion. All religious thinkers were doubters:怀疑是所有宗教的一部分. 所有严谨的思想家都是怀疑论者

. Don't gild the lily. 画... | . Doubt is part of all religion. All religious thinkers were doubters. 怀疑是所有宗教的一部分. 所有严谨的思想家都是怀疑论者. | . Doubt is the key of knowledge. 怀疑是打开...