英语人>词典>汉英 : 家家户户 的英文翻译,例句
家家户户 的英文翻译、例句


each and every family · all families without exception · every family · in every home · Jia jia hu hu
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The big doors were fastened with open, framing a rainbow of colours on the snowy street.


My own impression of the war was limited to snapshot memories-1940 summer picnics around the wreckage of a Heinkel bomber in the local Bluebell Woods;the infernal organ note of the V-1 flying bombs passing overhead;convoys of drab army trucks rumbling past our country gate;counting the gaps in the American bomber squadrons straggling back each day from Germany;waving to the troopships sailing in June 1944 from Southsea beach to Normandy;and of course,VE-day itself,with the bonfires and beating of the family gong.

我自己对于战争的印象仅限于几个片断:1940年夏天在当地的风铃草森林围着一架海因克尔轰炸机残骸进行的一次野餐;V1飞弹(V-1 flying bombs)自头顶掠过那恐怖的噪音;土褐色的卡车在护送队的伴随下驶入我国国门的隆隆声;每天列出的美国轰炸机中队到达德国的距离数字;1944年6月在运兵船上从南海海滩到诺曼底的航行;还有,当然,那伴随家家户户的锣鼓声和巨大的篝火到来的欧战胜利纪念日。

People would hang cattail and mugwort leaves on their doors to drive away mosquitoes and other insects.


After year's end distribution every family of the commune has money to bank up .


Living in sounth , you have to go to suburbs or climb a hill for enjoying this dulcet sing .


Since then, on the fifth of the fifth lunar month every year, each household in


Since then, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year,each household in China would make and eat rice dumplings to commemorate to great poet Qu Yuan.


At the end of the year,all families festoon with lights when the New Year's Eve comes,celebrate the safe old year and in the hope of new year.


Indians 5 days before the New Year holiday, to be performed around the Indian epic "Ramayana",(meaning Rama's procession), playing epic hero and a giant paper-made sacrificial "combat","Hero" trigger point on fire Arrow, giant paper models will be in the audience cheering in a fire burned down before New Year's Eve, every household in front of a variety of exquisite pictures were posted on.


So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door.


更多网络解释与家家户户相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

antithetical couplet:对联

春联(Spring Festival couplet)也叫"门对"、"春贴"、"对联"(antithetical couplet)、"对于",每逢春节,家家户户都要精选一幅大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛.


为了避免这一尴尬(awkwardness),家家户户都会准备足够的糖果,等孩子一到,就抛给他们. 分糖果对大人来说也是一种快乐. 许多大人也群游于街头,和孩子们一样装成动物欢蹦乱跳,追忆童年的幸福. 有时,大人扮成孩子,孩子则扮成大人,



Christmas trees:圣诞树

如在教到JEB3 L50 Christmas Day时,我告诉学生圣诞节是西方最隆重的节日,在这一天,人们无论多忙,都会赶回家里团聚,他们买圣诞树(Christmas trees)摆在家里,还给树挂上五颜六色六色的彩灯及圣诞礼物(Christmas presents),家家户户围坐在一块,


如果哪家在孩子们叩门后拿不出糖果来,门上就会被贴上"吝啬鬼"(miser)的纸条. 为了避免这一尴尬(awkwardness),家家户户都会准备足够的糖果,等孩子一到,就抛给他们. 分糖果对大人来说也是一种快乐. 许多大人也群游于街头,


新年之际,家家户户乐陶陶. 新年气氛在餐桌上更显丰盛,这显示着人们生活水平的日渐提高,也包含着人们对来年五谷丰登,家庭幸福的美好祝愿! 在山城镇巴,瓤(rang)肘子是每个家庭新年餐桌上必不可少的一道美...

Spring Festival couplets:春联

春联(spring festival couplets)也叫门对、春贴、对联、对子,它以工整、对偶、简洁、精巧的文字描绘时代背景,抒发美好愿望,是我国特有的文学形式. 每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联


还给树挂上五颜六色六色的彩灯及圣诞礼物(Christmas presents),家家户户围坐在一块,吃圣诞节蛋糕(Christmas cakes),唱圣诞歌(Christmas songs),孩子们喜欢在睡觉时在床尾挂一只长袜(stocking),因为他们相信等他们一觉醒来时,


一到腊(la)八,自然就有了年昧儿. 这一天,家家户户都熬(ao)起了腊八粥(zhou). 大街小巷(xiang)的孩子们便快快乐乐地唱起了童谣(yao):

Green fingers:绿手指

我终于走进了心灵的芳草地,想起经常看见的欧洲小镇风景照,纳闷家家户户的窗台上,怎么会姹紫嫣红得既喧闹又齐整,是否有个"绿手指(Green fingers)点染春意感化旅"在悄悄地行动呢?