英语人>词典>汉英 : 具文 的英文翻译,例句
具文 的英文翻译、例句


mere formality
更多网络例句与具文相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Qing. All kinds of supervising systems about prison became dead letter.


These charming members consist in a very charmful Fantail family.


Each wife that approachs her can go in spite of oneself her glamour is in hunting, I know, that is the curiosity that brings because of marriage of legend of a rich and powerful family. June 1999, one is called Deng Wendi, little known on all gregarious field China woman, married world-class medium king -- the Moduoke of news group, this big she is very much, rich but the famous man of enemy state, bring her from now on cannot evasive fact -- him Deng Wendi also becomes the news person that has value most, no matter their apiration how, fame and fortune, guess and fokelore always is photograph companion is followed.


The paleontologist says the brain volume of placental carnivores is about two and a half times larger, on average, than that of pouched carnivores.


He was an important statesman responsible for the implementation of a statute for providing staple foods to the poorest people in the nation and she was a designer of custom stationery that cost a pretty sterling.


Although there has been the indication that the national influence of this city's leading newspaper is declining, or retreating from core areas from 1990's, referring to profit, business operation, influence and selling volume aspects, with growth potential, Wenhui Daily has still become a competent media in Shanghai, even in China.


We use a piece of poetry on the belt-like blurbs to attract readers and incorporate it in the design of jacket, hoping readers would want to keep it instead of seeing it as a disposable PR object.


Jughosha, the "Gentle-voiced," are in possession of these qualities of enlightened body, speech, mind and activity in their entirety, we prostrate in homage before you, showing the greatest respect with our own body, speech and mind, and pray that you may dispel all the darkness from our own minds, and, more generally, from the minds of all living creatures.


Ever since one prayer bead had become luminous, there was something rather human about Wen Wa . She had become more active and open. Wen Xiang knew he could joke with her, So?


The exhibition incorporates reproductions of his most famous renaissance art in actual size, an amazing series of anatomical sketches, the famous preparatory drawings of the Anghiari Battle and entertaining and educational presentations in 3D of the Mona Lisa, The Last Supper, the Virtuvian Man and one of Leonardo's most ambitious projects, the Sforza Horse sculpture.

展览中结合了达文西最著名的文艺复兴时期的艺术品的一比一大小复制品、令人激赏的系列解剖素描、著名的「安吉里之战」草槁画作、和以3D呈现别具教育意味的「蒙娜莉莎的微笑」「维特鲁威人」,和达文西最具野心的雕塑作品「Sforze 之马」。

更多网络解释与具文相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


谢尔盖.伊凡诺夫表示,俄方反对NMD是因为它会削弱全球战略稳定的基础,同时让一九七二年的"反弹道飞弹"(ABM)条约形同具文. ABM一旦毁弃,新一轮武器竞赛的种种必要条件,含于外太空部署武器,便告成立.

Kevin Smith:导 演 凯文.史密斯

替换的第一人选是导演[[凯文.史密斯]](Kevin Smith),凯文也对饰演Harry一事极具热情,但>(Clerks 2)额外的剪辑工作迫使凯文选择了放弃. Harry的妹妹和侄子也被写进了电影里,只不过二者合二为一,被并成了一个虚构的侄女角色.


古希伯来文的 tzela 是多义字,既是 rib(肋骨)、坡顶(rib of a hill),亦是横梁(structural support beam),由于古希伯来文没有阳具(Penis)这个字,写及那话儿时便不断作"隐喻",也许扯得太远,误导希腊文译者译为 Pleura,唯此亦多义字,


意大利的最重要的白葡萄酒生长在凉爽的东北部. 东北部意大利东北部各具千秋的另一个特点是:在意大利其他地区,红葡萄酒处于主宰地位. 受澳大利亚和斯洛文尼亚(Slovenian)影响,意大利的最重要的白葡萄酒生长在凉爽的东北部.


A/V接收器、扩大器以及视讯监视器,如数位电视(DTV) 等各式音频与视频源之Chroma 2229 / 2329 具隐藏式字幕 (Closed Caption) 和电视 (NTSC) 频道锁码 (V-chip)电传文讯 (Teletext) 是一种在 PAL 系统中随着电视信号,

folding umbrella stand with keys:大眾雨傘保管具?服飾衣著用品

7096大眾文學文化寫作,編校mass literature | 7097大眾雨傘保管具?服飾衣著用品folding umbrella stand with keys | 7098大眾雨傘保管具?用具臥傢具folding umbrella stand with keys

Venturi tube:文氏管

流量+压力计是结合文氏管(Venturi tube)原理及微机电(MEMS)元件所设计而成,此流量计结构已申请多国专利;它具有反应速度快,线性、重复性佳;模组化的设计,拆装容易且易於维护;具低成本、体积小的特性.

Writing materials:文房具",,,"文具

,"事务関连机器",,,"办公关联设备",,,,"office suolis" | ,"文房具",,,"文具",,,,"writing materials" | ,"包装器材",,,"包装器材",,,,"packing materials"


ctitical path analysis 要徑分析;關鍵途徑分析法 | crystallisation 具體化 | cultural complex 文娛館/文娛中心

Kevin Smith:导 演 凯文.史密斯

替换的第一人选是导演[[凯文.史密斯]](Kevin Smith),凯文也对饰演Harry一事极具热情,但<<疯狂店员2>>(Clerks 2)额外的剪辑工作迫使凯文选择了放弃. Harry的妹妹和侄子也被写进了电影里,只不过二者合二为一,被并成了一个虚构的侄女角色.