英语人>词典>汉英 : 主义 的英文翻译,例句
主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
doctrine  ·  ism  ·  principle  ·  principles

更多网络例句与主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Modernism includes a lot of different trends of thoughts: F auvism , Expressionism, Cubism, Futurism, Dadaism, Abstractionism, Surrealism, etc… At the end of World War II, western modern art which developing terminal has entered a new stage ---- the Post-Modernism was born.


However, there are visible directions in research of this problem, which is either external analysis academically, thinking consumerism as neutral problem, such as sociology, or extensive praise, thinking consumerism as boundless beneficence to promoting economical increase, such as economics, or new exploration on advancing technical problem of consumption, so as to help the sustaining increase of consumerism, such as marketing, or as agent provocateur of consumerism, so as to research psychology of consumers, and to find out psychological weakness in human nature, such as consumption psychology.


Part i tries to track to the history of education trend of thought of anarchism in china . it includes 4 phases : introduction ( the end of 19 century - 1902 ), development ( 1902 ~ 1911 ), bloom ( 1912 ~ 1921 ), eclipse ( 1921 - 1927 ). part n analyses education ideas of the faction of china anarchism . lt includes tian yi faction , new century faction , min sheng faction , the faction of anarchical communism . part hi puts forward my evalution form there different angles . generally speaking , it had special significance in special time . even though it had many flaws , it is important for us to value education trend of thought of china anarchism

主要包括四个方面:无政府主义的产生与传入( 19世纪下半叶1902年);无政府主义教育思潮的形成( 1902年1911年);无政府主义教育思潮的全盛( 1912年1921年);无政府主义教育思j兑回在a硕士字位论父wmaster ' sthesis潮的衰落92年1927年l通过对其历史的回眸,可以清晰地了解无政府主义教育思潮在中国各个时期的特点及发生变化的原因,揭示它的流变轨迹及其对中国教育思想影响的深度和广度,从而使国人充分地认识和了解无政府主义教育思潮在特定的历史时期所发挥的特殊的历史作用。

The implementation of anthropocentrism is restricted by the historical, realistic conditions and people's ability.


The logic way of thought of this thesis is culture, teacher culture and teacher culture of balkanization. This thesis starts with the definition of teacher culture, and teacher groups, and teacher culture of balkanization. Secondly, on the basis of definition and comparing domestic and overseas studies, this thesis analyzes the features of teacher culture of balkanization and its form of representation. Thirdly, this thesis explores the reason of the forming of teacher culture of balkanization from three angles of view, namely individual angle, organizational angle and social angle. Fourthly, this thesis analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of teacher culture of balkanization in a dialectic way. Fifthly, the thesis ends up with principles and strategies for modifying teacher culture of balkanization.


Part Two discriminates the Ex-Soviet Marxist Philosophy and Western Marxists' Marxist Philosophy, intent on expounding the fact that the Ex-Soviet Marxist Philosophy simply sticks to, dogmatize and even mechanize the Marxist Philosophy. In parallel this section makes a systematic exposition of Western Marxist Philosophy from three aspects, i.e. the philosophical meta-problem, philosophical methodology and ideology.


Since the feudal class has a feudal doctrine, the bourgeoisie a capitalist doctrine, the Buddhists Buddhism, the Christians Christianity and the peasants polytheism, and since in recent years some people have also advocated Kemalism, fascism, vitalism, the "doctrine of distribution according to labour", and what not, why then cannot the proletariat have its communism?


GW Dollar, A History of Fundamentalism in America; R Lightner, Neo Evangelicalism; L Gasper, The Fundamentalist Movement, 1930 - 1956; J Falwell, E Dobson, and E Hindson, eds., The Fundamentalist Phenomenon; GM Marsden, Fundamentalism and American Culture; CA Russell, Voices of American Fundamentalism; NF Furniss, The Fundamentalist Controversy, 1918 - 1931; ER Sandeen, The Roots of Fundamentalism; JI Packer,"Fundamentalism" and the Word of God; James Barr, Fundamentalism.

毛重美元,历史上的原教旨主义在美国与r lightner ,新evangelicalism ;升gasper ,原教旨主义运动, 1930年-1 956年j福尔韦尔,电子布森,电子商务欣德森合编,原教旨主义的现象;通用马斯登认为,原教旨主义和美国文化;钙罗素,声音美洲原教旨主义;的NF尼斯,原教旨主义的争论, 1918年-1 931;呃俄勒冈,根部的原教旨主义;纪封隔器,&原教旨主义&和上帝的话;詹姆斯巴尔原教旨主义

In the third section, the author discusses different functionalism types, including David Lewiss commonsense functionalism, machine functionalism, homuncular functionalism and teleological functionalism. The author analyses two concepts, Ramsey sentence and Turing machine, which are important for functionalism, and explains the view of functionalism by using both concepts.


Since the feudal class has a feudal doctrine, the bourgeoisie a capitalist doctrine, the Buddhists Buddhism, the Christians Christianity and the peasants polytheism, and since in recent years some people have also advocated Kemalism, fascism, vitalism, the "doctrine of distribution according to labour", and what not, why then cannot the proletariat have its communism?


更多网络解释与主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


安那其主义(Anarchism)即无政府主义. 毋庸讳言,青年巴金正是一位无政府主义的坚定信仰者. 无政府主义思想及其理念,在辛亥革命前后进入中国,从政治上反对宗教、国家形式和政府,从思想文化上激烈反对传统礼教. 它在马克思主义传入中国之前,


阿民念主义如果讲得彻底一点,极端一点,基本上就是人自己救自己,是伯拉纠主义的复发.其 实阿民念主义可以追溯到伯拉纠主义,正如加尔文主义可以追溯到奥古斯丁主义 (Augustinianism)一样.阿民念主义的各项基本原则,



exclusionism:排他主义; 排外主义; 闭关主义

exclusion 拒绝,排斥 | exclusionism 排他主义; 排外主义; 闭关主义 | include 包括,包含



rational choice institutionalism:理性选择制度主义

彼得斯在>一书中提出,与旧制度主义、行为主义和理性选择理论相对应的7 个新制度主义流派包括:规范制度主义(normative institutionalism) 、理性选择制度主义( rational choice institutionalism) 、历史制度主义(histori


"后结构主义"(poststructuralism)或"解构主义"(deconstructuralism)是作为"结构主义"的对立物而产生的,可以说,"结构主义"孕育了"后结构主义". "后结构主义"思潮代表了一种对"结构主义"中的理性逻辑、因果线性决定论、权威主义等中心性与整体性思维方




四、积极主义(activism)与消极主义(passivism)司法积极主义与消极主义方法在美国宪法解释理论与实践中亦是一种普遍被使用、甚至影响更大的方法. 人们一般是使用司法积极主义与司法限制来界分的,"消极主义"是德沃金所提出的一种方法论概括.


[22] "合作主义"(corporatism)也被译为"法团主义"、"社团主义"、"阶级合作主义"、"组合主义"、"统合主义"或"工团主义"等等. 在西方政治学中,"合作主义"又被分为"国家合作主义"和"社会合作主义