英语人>词典>汉英 : 行动主义 的英文翻译,例句
行动主义 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
activism  ·  behaviorism  ·  behaviourism

更多网络例句与行动主义相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

First, shareholder activism is increasing in a continent where until recently it was depressingly rare.


In the USA it was connected with multiculturalism, AIDS activism and with identity politics in general.


Since the late of 1960"s, Shi"ite Ulama in the Middle Hast have gradually achieved the change from quietism to activism under the infulence of Najafi religional and political idea. The adventure of Musa Sadr in 1959 began the process of politicalization of Lebanese Shiite Ulama.


The special thing about Liu's art is that his works are not expressions of general emotions (what is commonly known as 'follow the feelings'), or graceful skills, or utilitarian interpretations of practical questions the latter is originated from France in the 18th century and its revolutionary tradition, namely political and utilitarian behaviorism tradition. French didacticism philosophers in the 18th century, just like the early renaissant civic humanists, advocated active and vibrant way of life and fought against ruminative way. They were not interested in metaphysics, and cared about practical issues—moral, mental and social--in their lives. They were confident of human future and held undoubted faith in history progress.


This kind of new form was related to both rights-based and sharing significance of extreme experience of individual HIV/AIDS patient to the indisposition and the stigmatization.


The hopeless situation experience of "approaches the death" of later period AIDS patient as well as the huge stigmatization and "the social death" connected with this kind of disease later period has provided the platform for the HIV/AIDS survivor to "the new life" and the social actionism.


The baby boomers, who entered adulthood promising a lifetime of activism, have been a politically undistinguished generation.


The special thing about Liu's art is that his works are not expressions of general emotions (what is commonly known as 'follow the feelings'), or graceful skills, or utilitarian interpretations of practical questions the latter is originated from France in the 18th century and its revolutionary tradition, namely political and utilitarian behaviorism tradition. French didacticism philosophers in the 18th century, just like the early renaissant civic humanists, advocated active and vibrant way of life and fought against ruminative way. They were not interested in metaphysics, and cared about practical issues—moral, mental and social--in their lives. They were confident of human future and held undoubted faith in history progress.


Also, the women's movement has succeeded in legitimizing the economic and political activism of women on their own behalf, thereby producing a more positive attitude toward unions.


Board of directors provides the safe governance measures for ownership and contract of employment So termly or nonscheduled evaluation of board of directors is important to robust development of corporation.


更多网络解释与行动主义相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]



shareholder activism:股东行动主义

可能会为美国投资者和他们拥有的公司节省数亿美元. "在美国掀起新一轮"股东行动主义"(shareholder activism)浪潮之际,美国证券交易委员会的该项计划,可能会增加目前相对较少的年度董事会选举之争.

social activism:社会行动主义

他们认为伴随着晚清帝国的衰落,精英在地方事务中已经开始发挥支配性的作用,兰金用"精英行动主义"(elitactivism),罗威廉用"社会行动主义"(social activism),史特兰用"市民行动主义"(civil activism)分别论述了浙江、汉口和北京地区精英


因此,将儒家的"为己之学"理解为"自我主义"(egoism)或"自我中心主义"(autism)是错误的. 在儒家思想体系中,"己"从来就不是以个体的方式存在,不是世界的中心及行动的根本目的,而是社会整体的一部分,是"关系"中的一点,既不体现个人中心主义,


behavioral动作的 | behaviorism行动主义 | behaviorist行动主义


behaviorism行动主义 | behaviorist行动主义者 | behavioristic行动主义




behaviorist行动主义者 | behavioristic行动主义的 | behaviour行为


behavioural动作的 | behaviourism行动主义 | behaviourist行动主义


behaviourism行动主义 | behaviourist行动主义者 | behaviouristic行动主义