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主义者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

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Therefore it is the duty of all who consider themselves anticapitalist, like the NPA in France, all who call themselves revolutionary socialists, communists, Leninists and Trotskyists, to combine forces and to convene a conference of their organisations. Such a conference must discuss an action programme for coordinating our defensive struggles, transforming them into a revolutionary counter-attack against imperialism and capitalism.


"The Empress is Legitimist, my cousin is Republican, Morny is Orleanist, I am a socialist; the only Bonapartist is Persigny, and he is mad."


Whether one is a romanticist, a rationalist, a classicist, or one in the hold of naturalism, he accepts words describing each as holding the same range of meaning for all views, even including that of existentialism.


If the first category were empiricist that might be opportunist,the second category were idealist that might believe in doctrinairism.


To approach this in terms of an orientalist/occidentalist or nordist/australist perspective connects the theory and critique of science to 'the secular notion of an individual "I" as an abstract and universal consciousness free of all embodiment and

按照一种东方主义者/西方主义者或者北方主义者/南方主义者的视角联系理论并批判科学到作为" I "的'个体长期的概念',最为一种所有的体现和地方性的抽象和普遍的意识自由

Not only was he, in 1953, excommunicated from the International Psycho-Analytic Association but his provocative ideas disturbed many progressive thinkers, from critical Marxists to feminists. Although, in the Western academia, Lacan is usually perceived as one of the postmodernists or deconstructionists, he clearly sticks out from the space designated by these labels. All his life, he was outgrowing labels attached to his name: phenomenologist, Hegelian, Heideggerian, structuralist, poststructuralist; no wonder, since the most outstanding feature of his teaching is permanent self-questioning.


Canadians can campaign for Québec libre. Americans can support separatists in Puerto Rico, Vermont, Texas, California, Hawaii, Guam, and Alaska. Brits can work for a free Wales, and Scotland for the Scots. French can help free Tahitians, New Caledonians, Corsicans, and the Basques. Spaniards can also back the Basques, or the Catalonians. Italians can help Sicilian separatists or the Northern League. Danes can free the Faeroe Islands. Poles can back Cashubians. Japanese can help Okinawan separatists, and Filipinos can help the Moros. Thai can promote Patanni independence; Indonesians can promote Acehnese independence. New Zealanders can leave the islands to the Maori; Australians can vacate Papua. Sri Lankans can help Tamil separatists; Indians can help Sikh separatists.


Compared with liberals, Hu Feng is a "lovely leftist" despotism follower; Compared with real collectivists, he is a liberal as well as an individualist, which predetermines he is wandering in a dilemma between freedom and despotism, individuality and collectivity.


To approach this in terms of an orientalist/occidentalist or nordist/australist perspective connects the theory and critique of science to 'the secular notion of an individual "I" as an abstract and universal consciousness free of all embodiment and

按照一种东方主义者/西方主义者或者北方主义者/南方主义者的视角联系理论并批判科学到作为& I &的'个体长期的概念',最为一种所有的体现和地方性的抽象和普遍的意识自由

Mystics, intuitionists, authoritarians, voluntarists, and fictionalists are all trying to undermine respect for the rational methods of science.


更多网络解释与主义者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

benthamite:功利主义者, 边沁主义者

benthamism | 功利主义, 边沁学说 | Benthamite | 功利主义者, 边沁主义者 | benthamite | 功利主义者, 边沁学说者

male chauvinist:男尊女卑主义者(大男子主义者)

male chauvinist 男尊女卑主义者(大男子主义者) | women's libbers 女权主义者 | cohabitation dorm 同居寮

commercialistic:商业主义者的, 重商主义者的

commercialist | 商业主义者, 重商主义者 | commercialistic | 商业主义者的, 重商主义者的 | commercialization | 商业化, 商品化


element分子 | equalitarian平均主义者,平等主义者 | expansionist扩张主义者


sectionalist 地方主义者,本位主义者 | functionalist 实用建筑主义者,机能主义者 | traditionalist传统主义者,因循守旧的人

pacifist:反战主义者,和平主义者 ,不抵抗主义者

misoneist厌新者,守旧者 | pacifist 反战主义者,和平主义者 ,不抵抗主义者 | suffragist 妇女政权论者


221.factionalist 宗派主义者,搞派别活动者 | sectionalist 地方主义者,本位主义者 | functionalist 实用建筑主义者,机能主义者


bureaucratist 官僚主义者 | moderatist 温和主义者,稳健主义者 | corporatist 组合主义者,社团主义者


neorealist 新现实主义者,新实在论者 | surrealist 超现实主义者 | regalist 王权至上主义者,君主主义者


radicalist 激进主义者 | syndicalist 工会组织主义者,工团主义者 | anarcho-syndicalist 工会组织主义者,工团主义者