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不育 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
acyesis  ·  sterilitas

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The dominant male sterility was expressed normally in the new Taigu genic sterile wheat carrying the intergenomically translocated Ms2, and the female fertility mechanism in its male sterile plants was normal as well. Observation of the chromosome configuration at meiosis of pollen mother cells of the young ears of the sterile plants showed that they were euploid plants (2n=42). No configurations different from those of the Taigu geneic sterility gene located at the original locus were noticed of the Ms2 intergenomically translocated back into the common wheat.


The mechanism of fertility conversion of temperature sensitive genic male sterile line in maize was studied by the methods of sowing with stages and investigating leafage.

利用分期播种和田间跟踪调查叶龄的方法,以琼 6Qms为材料研究了玉米温敏型核雄性不育的育性转换机制,结果表明,日最高温度是育性转换的主要因子,表现出低温可育,高温不育,育性转换的温度区间为 2 7~ 31℃;同时日照长度对育性转换也有一定的影响,表现为长日照不育,短日照可育。

In order to the use of the male-sterility quickly, enriching the basic theories of male-sterility,we used the eggplant male sterile lines and their maintainers as materials, to analyze the physilolgical and biochemical characteristics and parthenocarpy by investigation of energy, substance and polyamine metabolism.

为了加快茄子雄性不育的利用进程,丰富茄子雄性不育的基础理论,本试验以雄性不育系及其保持系为试验材料,从能量代谢、物质含量、多胺代谢着手,对与茄子雄性不育性及单性结实有关的生理生化特性进行了分析,试验结果如下: 1 苗期不育系叶片中IAA和GA_3含量的不足,ZR的盈积以及ABA/(IAA+ZR+GA_3)比值的失衡导致了茄子雄性不育系苗期生长缓慢。

This paper summarized the experiments which support or negate the existence of female sterility,analyzed the experimental ideas and inference methods of these experiments,especially Sano' s;and concluded that the conclusion that the hybrid sterility is only caused by male or female sterility is a one - sided view,therefore attention should be paid to the genetics of both female and male sterility.


In Japonica heterosis utilization, the purity of hybrid seeds was sometimes low due to the self-fertility and/or unstable sterility of some BT type Japonica cytoplasmic male sterile lines. For the WA type Japonica CMS lines, their sterility is much stable, but there is also some difficult to take use of them because their flowering habit is bad and it is very difficult to restore their fertility. The HL type CMS lines were identified to have the same flowering habit and outcrossing rate with the BT type CMS lines in Japonica hybrid rice. Moreover, the sterility of HL type CMS lines was more stable than that of BT type, and their restorable characteristics was better than that of WA type.


There are three copies of R fragment in the S mt-genome, and each copy contains two closely adjacent open reading frames: orf355 and orf77. Among these three copies two BamHI fragments were cloned, and the sequence analysis showed that cox1 and cox2 gene lies upstream of the R region in each fragment, respectively. However, they locate in different strands and head to head with R. In this study, we found that:(1) The expression of cox1 and cox2 is not affected by the transcription of R region;(2) The two copies of R region transcribe in large amount in the microspores, and produce transcripts of 1.6kb and 2.8kb, respectively, in the sterile microspores; However, the abundance of these two transcripts is reduced in the fertility restored microspores, realized through the mRNA decay, and this reduction occurs at the uninucleate microspore stage;(3) In the sterile microspores, the 5 terminus of the 1.6kb transcript contains a palindrome region that can fold into a stem-loop.

本研究发现:(1) cox1和cox2的转录没有受到R区转录的影响;(2)两个拷贝的R区在在不育花粉中高丰度表达,其转录本大小分别为1.6kb和2.8kb;而在育性恢复的花粉中,这两个转录本的丰度被大大降低,进一步分析表明这一结果是通过mRNA分子的降解途径来实现的,此降解过程发生在单核花粉期;(3)在不育花粉中,1.6kb转录本的5′末端具有一段可形成茎环结构的迴文对称序列,而在可育花粉中,其5′末端短缺了9个碱基;(4)在不育花粉和育性恢复的花粉中,R区转录本的加尾位点都集中位于一个3′茎环结构之后;(5)不管是在不育花粉还是育性恢复的花粉中,orf77区域内均在第52位和100位核苷酸处发生了不同频率的C向U的编辑,从而形成UGA终止密码;(6)不管是orf55-orf77的成熟转录本还是转录前体分子,都已被加上了Poly尾巴,表明已进入降解途径;在以上实验结果的基础上,本研究对S型CMS花粉育性的恢复机理进行了如下推测:在不育花粉和育性恢复的花粉中,orf77区域内均发生了终止编辑,即由RNA编辑产生了提前终止密码子。

The test by observing 5 different type of CMS lines, and finding that the abortion process of these five CMS lines is same. Only in some certain time, they have a little difference. It also has a same abortion process between the type of WA and D, the time of abortion most happened at the stage from monocaryon to dikaryon.


The male sterility resulted from nucleus-cytoplasmic interaction (nuclear genome of common wheat--cytoplasmic genome of D〓-type cytoplasm donor), D〓-type CMS was sporophytic sterility pattern.


In different treatments there were significant differences in male sterility among INACs, of which I TA showed the highest rate of sterility and the best sterility stability under different conditions; meanwhile, altering nucleo cytoplasmic relationship by substitutional backcrosses could modify and improve male sterility of CMS lines.


In this paper, male sterile line of alfalfa was used to be improved with crossing, because the seed production of crossing is low. The affecting factors of seed production of male sterile line of alfalfa and its crossing progenies that are crossed with male sterile lines of alfalfa and good alfalfa that male is fertile were analyzed. The characteristics of female reproductive organs of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in cell morphology. The genetic difference of male sterile line and its crossing progenies are analyzed in enzyme protein. The results showed: 1、Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plant BC1-2 that is the crossing progency of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago varia Martin.cv.'Caoyuan No.1'is higher than male sterile lines. Rate of podding of nature crossing and fecundity of artificial crossing of the male sterile plants BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23 that are the crossing progencies of male sterile line of alfalfa and Medicago sativa L.cv.

针对苜蓿雄性不育系杂交制种产量低的问题,采用杂交法对苜蓿雄性不育系进行改良,以原苜蓿雄性不育系为轮回亲本与雄性可育优良苜蓿品种杂交,分析苜蓿雄性不育系及其杂交后代种子产量的影响因素,从细胞形态学方面观察和分析杂交后代及原不育系在雌性生殖器官上的变异特点,从酶蛋白水平对杂交后代及原不育系的遗传差异进行分析,初步研究结果如下: 1、苜蓿雄性不育系与草原一号苜蓿的杂交后代不育株BC1-2,以及苜蓿雄性不育系与X′(苜蓿雄性不育系与新疆大叶苜蓿的杂种F1代)的杂交后代不育株BC1-19、BC1-21、BC1-22、BC1-23的天然杂交结荚率和人工杂交制种的结荚率和百粒重均高于原苜蓿雄性不育系。

更多网络解释与不育相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

cross-infertility, cross-sterility:杂交不育性

配子不亲和性 gametic incompatibility | 杂交不育性 cross-infertility, cross-sterility | 半不育 semisterility


国内对不孕与不育名词的应用尚不统一,国际上有:不孕(sterility):没有受孕的能力,不能生育下一代;不育(infertility):未能生育下一代. 二者的区别是根本不能怀孕生育为不孕;能受孕而未能生育下一代为不育. 既往亦有分绝对不育,

sterile pinna:不育羽片

02.126 营养羽片 foliage pinna | 02.127 不育羽片 sterile pinna | 02.128 不育小羽片 sterile pinnule

sterile pinnule:不育小羽片

02.127 不育羽片 sterile pinna | 02.128 不育小羽片 sterile pinnule | 02.129 间小羽片 intercalated pinnule

self-sterility genes:自交不育基因

self-sterility 自交不育,自体不育,自体不育性 | self-sterility genes 自交不育基因 | self-sterilizer 自动消毒

spikelet sterility:小穗不育

男性不育:male sterility | 小穗不育:spikelet sterility | 不孕不育:Sterility And Infertility

male sterility:雄性不育

亚洲栽培稻有籼稻(indica)和粳稻(japonica)2个亚种,它们的杂种(籼粳杂种)具有很强的杂种优势,但其杂种不育性成为杂种优势利用的主要障人对果蝇(Drosophila)的一个特殊的基因--Odysseus进行研究,若将该基因导入到其他物种基因组中,导致雄性不育(male sterility).

male sterility:雄性不育性

male sterile line 不育系 | male sterility 雄性不育性 | maleic acid 马来酸

female sterility:雌性不育

花粉不育:pollen sterility | 雌性不育:female sterility | 男性不育:male sterility

gametic sterility:配子不育,配子型不育

gametic selection 配子选择 | gametic sterility 配子不育,配子型不育 | gametic union 配子聚合