英语人>词典>汉英 : 上诉 的英文翻译,例句
上诉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appeal  ·  appealed  ·  appeals

make an appeal to sb · lodge an appeal
更多网络例句与上诉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On appeal, the party appealing an action is the appellant or petitioner, and the party answering


On appeal, the appealing party is usually referred to as appellant, and the winning party at trial is called the appellee.


In criminal cases, legal aid is available for representation in proceedings in the Court of First Instance and the District Court, in committal proceedings in the Magistrates' Courts, in appeals from the Magistrates' Courts, and in appeals to the Court of Appeal and the Court of Final Appeal .


The provisions or agreements which constitute contexts and prior Appellate Body reports and panel reports are the most frequently cited documents. Appellate Body has developed a stable mode to interpret the covered agreements, which is reasonably expected to be used in future cases. At most circumstances, Appellate Body is justified to use these sources. It is, however, controvertible in the case that Appellate Body's conclusion is based on the sources from outside the WTO system.


Appeal courts are in the middle of the three ranks; they respectively discharge their duties in the 10 itineration zones of the U.S.regional courts and District of Columbia, and handle the appeal cases judged by the regional courts in their itinerant precincts; at the same time, they accept appeals submitted by some administrative structures which themselves are quasi-judicial. thanks for ur appreciation. i know my translation is far from prefect, chinglish i mean not native,'cause i am a chinese and never go abroad; but one point i can make sure is that it is understandable no matter to chinese or a foreigners.


M The reversal or modification on appeal of an authorization under subsection or of this section of a sale or lease of property does not affect the validity of a sale or lease under such authorization to an entity that purchased or leased such property in good faith, whether or not such entity knew of the pendency of the appeal, unless such authorization and such sale or lease were stayed pending appeal.


To say that wrong advice as to the merits of the underlying appeal vitiates the act of abandonment is to address the wrong issue, and incidentally, would be to invite frequent arguments as to the accuracy or wisdom of advice given in many a situation where clients or counsel have second thoughts about earlier advice as to the merits which have been followed by abandonment of such appeals..

因此,没有批准法律援助。但本席认为上诉人在上诉方面,不在法律援助认为上诉人的成功率有多少,而是有关裁判法官在他判刑时是超出了他刑罚权力以外,因此这刑罚是没有效的,因为裁判法官是没有权判一个27个月作为起点的刑罚。在这特殊情况下,本席批准上诉人的申请不是违反 Medway 及 Lai Siu Cheung 的原则。本席下令上诉人的放弃上诉申请书作为无效,本席批准上诉人继续上诉关於他刑罚方面。

I say 'unfortunately' because the law as it now appears to be is that a ship is only arrived when she is in 'that part of the port where a ship can be loaded with the relevant cargo when a berth is available, albeit she cannot be loaded until a berth is available' see Scrutton, 17th ed.

Michael Mustill 虽然非常同情船东,但还是判船舶并没有抵达,换言之船东要承担2 月19 日至2 月24 日的时间损失。照说,这是对事实的认定,即使上诉,法院也应该不能去推翻。但上诉去了高院与上诉庭,这个裁决书都被一致推翻。

This was an appeal by the cargo-insurers and a cross-appeal by the ship managers from the decision of the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong in which it was held that the ship managers could join the shipowners as additional plaintiffs in the claims against the cargo insurers for general average contributions but not in the claims against the cargo-owners.


Since, however, the discretion is being exercised in the context of an acquittal – the averments constituting the charges having been found by the jury as not amounting to the crimes alleged – it follows that, generally speaking, the conduct most relevant to the matters under consideration must be the defendant's conduct during the investigation and at the trial: How he first responded to the investigators, the answers he gave when confronted with the accusations, the consistency of those answers with his subsequent defence, etc.


更多网络解释与上诉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]






appellant 上诉人 | appellant 上诉人;上诉的 | appellate court 上诉法院

appellant matter:有关上诉事宜

appel | 灵快的踏足, 垫步 | appellant matter | 有关上诉事宜 | appellant | 上诉上诉


appellant /上诉人/上诉的/ | appellate /控诉的/上诉的/ | appellation /名称/称呼/

appellate court:上诉法庭 上诉法庭

appearance 出庭 出庭 | appellate court 上诉法庭 上诉法庭 | applicability 可适应性 可适应性

appellate jurisdiction:上诉管辖权

这项权力即所谓"上诉管辖权"(appellate jurisdiction). 这是一种强制管辖权(mandatory jurisdiction),即,每一个上诉于联邦上诉法院的案件都必须受理. 与此相应,位于美国联邦司法体系金字塔结构塔尖的联邦最高法院则有权选择决定对哪些案件进行复审,

appellate jurisdiction:上诉法院

appellant | 上诉上诉的 | appellate jurisdiction | 上诉法院 | appellate | 受理上诉

a court of appeal:上诉法庭 a direct appeal 直接上诉

vi to make or apply for an appeal 上诉,申诉 | a court of appeal 上诉法庭 a direct appeal 直接上诉 | n. the power of attracting or of arousing interest 吸引力;感染力

court of appeals:上诉法庭

参与复核的任何一方若对复核决定不服,均可向上诉法庭(court of appeals)就法律问题提出上诉;上诉法庭可根据情况判令驳回上诉,更改或推翻有关复核决定,或者发回审裁处重新复核.