英语人>词典>汉英 : 可上诉的 的英文翻译,例句
可上诉的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)

更多网络例句与可上诉的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To revoke or annul(a decision or decree, for example).


The appellant shall also be informed of any right to further appeal.


Will there be Chinese lawyers who are able to argue before the WTO appellate body in the foreseeable future?


In proving the authenticity and trustworthiness of the Sacred Scriptures, Grotius appeals largely to internal evidence.


A reversible decision is one that can be appealed or ''.


However, if the courts of the Region, in adjudicating cases, need to interpret the provisions of this Law concerning affairs which are the responsibility of the Central People's Government, or concerning the relationship be, tween the Central Authorities and the Region, and if such interpretation will affect the judgments in the cases, the courts of the Region shall, before making their final judgments which are not appealable, seek an interpretation of the relevant provisions from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress through the Court of Final Appeal of the Region.


What is to be said, then, when this handful of protesters is compared to the whole of the Churches of England, the Low Countries, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Naples, Savoy, Portugal, Spain, etc., which, on being requested to pronounce, did so by proscribing the appeal as an act of schism and foolish revolt?


A reversible decision is one that can be appealed or vacated.


In support of its proposition that the term "comparable" in Article 2.4.2 did not detract from the obligation of investigating authorities to consider all relevant transactions, the Appellate Body in EC - Bed Linen referred to Article 2.4 as part of the context of Article 2.4.2

为支持2.4.2条中&可比较的&一词没有转移调查当局要考虑所有相关贸易的义务的主张,EC - Bed Linen案中,上诉机构指出,2.4条是2.4.2条上下文的一部分

Since, however, the discretion is being exercised in the context of an acquittal – the averments constituting the charges having been found by the jury as not amounting to the crimes alleged – it follows that, generally speaking, the conduct most relevant to the matters under consideration must be the defendant's conduct during the investigation and at the trial: How he first responded to the investigators, the answers he gave when confronted with the accusations, the consistency of those answers with his subsequent defence, etc.


更多网络解释与可上诉的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]




appealable 可上诉的 | appealing 吸引人的 | appealingly 上诉地



interlocutory appeal:中间上诉

这种通常被称为"中间上诉"(interlocutory appeal)的上诉,通常发生在控辩双方就警察提交的供述或实物证据的可采性存在争议,而法官在审前听证中就此作出了裁定的情况下.


根据税些要求,除非裁决时所依据的证据是无理的(irrational)或反常的税局在撰写事实陈述书(statement of facts) 时,一般会先发草拟本(draft)作准备. 为了阻吓无理的(without merits)、或无聊的(frivolous) 上诉,委员会可向滥著名会计师或学者,

leave to appeal:上诉的诉可

上诉的权利 (-:-) right of appeal | 上诉的诉可 (-:-) leave to appeal | 上诉登记册 (-:-) registers of appeals


早熟的 precocious | 预期可上诉得直 predicted victory on appeal | 先发制人的 pre-emptive


专家组在美国羊肉案中指出,上诉机构在韩国奶制品案中所划定的"未预见的"(unforeseen)与"不可预见的"(unforeseeable)的区别是重要的. 前一个的标准较低. 应当考虑什么是预见的,什么是实际上没有预见的,而非什么应当是或应当不是理论上可预见的.


appeal 请求 | appealable 可上诉的 | appealing 吸引人的

court of appeals:上诉法庭

参与复核的任何一方若对复核决定不服,均可向上诉法庭(court of appeals)就法律问题提出上诉;上诉法庭可根据情况判令驳回上诉,更改或推翻有关复核决定,或者发回审裁处重新复核.