英语人>词典>汉英 : 将...上诉 的英文翻译,例句
将...上诉 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
appeal  ·  appealed  ·  appeals

更多网络例句与将...上诉相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The appellant shall also be informed of any rights of further appeal.


If CASI decides that an appeal made in accordance with 9.2 and 9.3 should proceed, it will organize an International Appeals Tribunal.

如果 CASI 决定,依照9.2和9.3提出的上诉应持续进行,将组成一个国际上诉法庭。

The provisions or agreements which constitute contexts and prior Appellate Body reports and panel reports are the most frequently cited documents. Appellate Body has developed a stable mode to interpret the covered agreements, which is reasonably expected to be used in future cases. At most circumstances, Appellate Body is justified to use these sources. It is, however, controvertible in the case that Appellate Body's conclusion is based on the sources from outside the WTO system.


If its allows the appeal, the Court of Appeal would be faced with a difficult decision.


In the "Order Requested" part of our factum I would confine our request to repayment of the principal with interest, though I'd probably seek costs on the appeal and in the court below on a substantial indemnity scale.


The problem for Toyota is the inadmissibility of appeals for post-race 25-second penalties, because if the incident had occurred earlier in the race, the penalty would have taken the form of a drive-through, which is not subject to appeal.


The appeals court, which may not rule for several months, may grant a new trial, order a new evidentiary hearing or reject the appeal, in which case Mumia would face execution within a short period, Bryan said.


Roxana Saberi's lawyer says he'll appeal the verdict.


I am confident that with their striking designs, ease of use and uncompromised performance and functions, Samsung's latest fashion phones will appeal widely to our Southeast Asian customers, said Mr.

我深信,只要他们突出的设计,易于使用和uncompromised的性能和功能,三星最新的时尚手机将上诉广泛我们的东南亚客户,先生说: geesung彩,总统三星电信网络业务。

Newspapers carry a demand from Mourinho that UEFA referees leader Roth apologises or he will sue.


更多网络解释与将...上诉相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

set aside:驳回

如果上诉庭认为根据书面材料不能做出有利于你的判决,将会安排一个听证会,庭审官会详细询问并容许提供补充材料. 3月份有个因出勤率不够被取消签证的MAREDIAN 的学生,上诉后在4月底听证会后就驳回(Set Aside)了移民局的决定.

enter for customs:报关

将......登记为......上诉-----enter . . . as an appeal | 报关-----enter for customs | 生效-----enter in force

explanatory memorandum:解释性备忘录

此案的一审、二审的奥地利法院驳回原告请求后上诉到地区最高法院,地区最高法院认识到该案涉及到商标指令和将之纳入奥地利法律的解释性备忘录(Explanatory Memorandum),而该备忘录表明商标权的国际穷竭问题交由司法决定,因而将该案移到欧洲法院(ECJ),


上诉机构相信成员具有广泛的自由(broaddiscretion)决定是否根据dsu提起针对另一成员的申诉. 而且gatt第xxiii:1条以及dsu第3.7条的用语都表明,一成员在决定此类诉讼是否将"有效"(fruitful)时,被期待主要是自我约束的(largelyself-regulating).





lottery ticket:彩票

(3)在本条中,"奖券活动彩票"(lottery ticket) 指一张用作或将用作以下用途的彩票─"上诉委员会"(Appeal Board) 指根据第6ZH条成立的上诉委员会;"持有人"(holder) 就牌照而言,指获发给该牌照的公司;"牌照"(licence) 指根据第6I或6X条发出的牌照.




联邦巡回上诉法庭首先指出,麻州地方法院将该专利解释为方法步骤(process)之专利请求项是错误的. 联邦巡回上诉法院将该 056专利之独立项(该056专利共有六项专利请求权,仅第一项为独立项)分析,认为每一means在说明书中皆有说明其对应到的结构,


移民局今天宣布,从9月28日开始,凡由移民局行政上诉办公室(AAO)负责的行政上诉,重审(motion to reopen)或重新考虑(reconsider)申请,费用将由现在的110元上升到385元.