英语人>词典>汉英 : 一针见血 的英文翻译,例句
一针见血 的英文翻译、例句


draw blood with one prick
更多网络例句与一针见血相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No. 20 Guo Di Gong visited the prime minister into a sharply pointed out that to meet the Prince Wu Inheritance assassination plot, skillfully exquisite undercover in order to feign death to deceive everyone, successful rescue of Prince's entire plan is that he single-handedly planned.


Stephen Klineberg, professor of sociology at Rice University in Houston, puts it bleakly: If we fail to turn our education system around, we will find that a whole generation has been locked out of the jobs market.


Cameras in tow, hewould breeze into a company, dispensing blunt criticism, bonhomie and briskadvice in equal portions.


If you are ready to begin knocking those weekend warrior fix-it projects off your list, you have just hit the nail on the head!


This comment it may be said straight from the shoulder, pointed out we have some of delegate committee member deeply, stem from a variety of scrupling not dare free-spoken corner.


After launching the New Yorker in 1834, and then the New York Tribune in 1841, Greeley found his groove as he fought for the underclass and emancipation.


With heart-piercing accuracy, Jesus states that hard-heartedness causes marriage breakdown.


But I think you've hit the nail on the head.


As my best friend helpfully pointed out recently,'You could talk anyone under the table.


I think the director really hit the nail on the head.


更多网络解释与一针见血相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

hit the bull's-eye:一针见血

高速火车 bullet train | 一针见血 hit the bull's-eye | 获得成功 score a bull's-eye in doing sth

You hit the bull's-eye:你射中靶心了;你说的话一针见血

The typhoon will hit on Monday.台风将会在星期一来袭 | You hit the bull's-eye.你射中靶心了;你说的话一针见血 | He hit the right note in his speech.他在演说时切中要点

hit the nail on the head:一针见血

set a fox to keep your goose引狼人室 | hit the nail on the head一针见血 | a black sheep害群之马

She hit the nail on the head:她的话一针见血

You are starting to make headway with your French! 你的法语开始有进步了! | She hit the nail on the head! 她的话一针见血! | I need that like a hole in the head. 我根本不需要那玩意儿.

u hit the nail on the head:(你的话简直微十时毫 一针见血啊 )

i cant /couldnt agree with u more ! (完全同意你的观点) | u hit the nail on the head ! (你的话简直微十时毫 一针见血啊 ) | totally agree with u !(完全同意你)

to hit the nail on the head:一针见血

at each other's throats 群枪舌战的争吵 | to hit the nail on the head 一针见血 | to turn full circle 回复到原状

hit the (right)nail on the head:一针见血

12. 一时兴起by fits and snatches | 13. 一针见血hit the right nail on the head | 14. 一言为定That's settled then.

to hit the nail right on the head:一针见血

57.热锅上的蚂蚁 a cat on hot bricks | 58.一针见血 to hit the nail right on the head | 59.一丘之貉 birds of one feather

I've hit the nail right on the head:我一针见血击中了要害

I'm eager for success. 我渴望成功. | I've hit the nail right on the head. 我一针见血击中了要害. | So you made it after all! 你毕竟成功了!

straight from the shoulder:狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地

Straight face 不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸 | Straight from the shoulder " 狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地 | Strain every nerve 竭力