英语人>词典>汉英 : 一针见血地 的英文翻译,例句
一针见血地 的英文翻译、例句


straight from the shoulder
更多网络例句与一针见血地相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No. 20 Guo Di Gong visited the prime minister into a sharply pointed out that to meet the Prince Wu Inheritance assassination plot, skillfully exquisite undercover in order to feign death to deceive everyone, successful rescue of Prince's entire plan is that he single-handedly planned.


With heart-piercing accuracy, Jesus states that hard-heartedness causes marriage breakdown.


As my best friend helpfully pointed out recently,'You could talk anyone under the table.


You guys have hit the nail on the head.


The Lava-Lava current state, sharply YANG Ke said "chicken ribs" and not an enticing prospect of the cake.


Paul pointedly asked,"Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit?"


Personage of domestic Internet analysis points out straight from the shoulder.


For those involved in the struggle against communism, on both sides of the iron curtain, he became a guru, ranking along with Czeslaw Milosz, the émigré Polish poet whose book "The Captive Mind", published in 1953, unpicked the mind-mangling effects of communist thought


Antagonistic one party points out straight from the shoulder, publishing a material without accredit is to privacy authority is encroached undisguisedly, and the participator that person pork searchs people have grow the trend that is network mob.


An anonymous real estate experts pointed out sharply that the boss battle, nothing but the word fame and fortune, fame and fortune in this quest, well-known beneficial.


更多网络解释与一针见血地相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


但是由于复利效应的存在,在一个较长的时期里累积的结果将对基金收益产生巨大影响. 先锋标普500基金的创立者博格(Bogle)在解释为何主动型基金无法超越指数基金时,就一针见血地指出:"巨额的回报源于成本上的细微差别".


此外,她同时也是一位相当受欢迎的音乐评审及音乐讲习会的大师,总是一针见血地解决许多钢琴演奏上的问题,并经常发表不同题材的音乐性文章於>(Clavier),>(Piano Quarterly)、>(Music Journal)...等刊物,

a cold shoulder:冷淡

straight from the shoulder 直截了当地,一针见血地 | a cold shoulder 冷淡 | a chip on one"s shoulder 好斗

in the air:在空气中

撒旦可以在空气中(in the air)掌管某种领域,而小说正是从空中(in the air)展开. 再加上小说的叙事者是魔鬼,象征的说,整本小说都是在魔鬼的领域中发生. 刘:萨义德的一贯风格是清晰明了,流畅通俗,把貌似复杂的问题一针见血、简明扼要地剖析得非常透彻.

in the air:空中

撒旦可以在空气中(in the air)掌管某种领域,而小说正是从空中(in the air)展开. 再加上小说的叙事者是魔鬼,象征的说,整本小说都是在魔鬼的领域中发生. 刘:萨义德的一贯风格是清晰明了,流畅通俗,把貌似复杂的问题一针见血、简明扼要地剖析得非常透彻.


社会现象可以一针见血地提出来,即社会上非常普遍的(prevalent)偶像崇拜,即追星现象. 紧接着举两例说明,贝克汉姆代表了体育方面的偶像,其招牌是英俊的外表和高超的球技. 当然,还要结合中国现实提一下典型的超级女生大赛,


"神学课程理论把"想象力"(imagination)、"灵性"(spirituality)、"超越性"(transcendence)这些概念置于课程理论的核心. 休怕纳一针见血地指出:"我们已经忘记了或压制了想象力是世界的基础这一要点. "当我们恢复想象力的时候,

straight face:不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸

Storm in a teacup 大惊小怪 | Straight face 不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸 | Straight from the shoulder " 狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地

straight from the shoulder:狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地

Straight face 不露表情的脸,没有表情的脸 | Straight from the shoulder " 狠狠地, 直截了当地, 一针见血地 | Strain every nerve 竭力

touchily:难以取悦地 (副)

touche 一针见血; 说得对 (感叹) | touchily 难以取悦地 (副) | touchiness 易生气; 棘手; 过于敏感; 需小心对待 (名)