英语人>词典>英汉 : thread cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句
thread cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句

thread cell

thread cell的基本解释


更多网络例句与thread cell相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

After graduating from self-loving gradually VB programming, has automated the preparation of the Maori blessing calculator so that the company calculated the cost of a lot of convenience, to the AU after a computer automatically calculate coordinates substitute comparison t able to improve efficiency and analysis Repair yields, in the end of August from the beginning of the use of Excel VBA turn carried by the use of Visual Basic programming, simply by the beginning of the coordinates of the aircraft in fixed and gradually perfect its functions, after numerous functions perfect, update d version , until now automatically value, take a few screens to install and keep other aircraft types, Cell coordinates and coordinate simultaneous COF, simultaneously hard and soft keyboard input, question is valueTo prevent failure, point and thread type of undesirable precise positioning the cursor, 4 Operational functions to four 40-inch production line, the company can save costs 6333822.717 RMB.


After graduating from self-loving gradually VB programming, has automated the preparation of the Maori blessing calculator so that the company calculated the cost of a lot of convenience, to the AU after a computer automatically calculate coordinates substitute comparison table to improve efficiency and analysis Repair yields, in the end of August from the beginning of the use of Excel VBA turn carried by the use of Visual Basic programming, simply by the beginning of the coordinates of the aircraft in fixed and gradually perfect its functions, after numerous functions perfect, updated version , until now automatically value, take a few screens to install and keep other aircraft types, Cell coordinates and coordinate simultaneous COF, simultaneously hard and soft keyboard input, question is valueTo prevent failure, point and thread type of undesirable precise positioning the cursor, 4 Operational functions to four 40-inch production line, the company can save costs 6333822.717 RMB.


After graduating from self-loving gradually VB programming, has automated the preparation of the Maori blessing calculator so that the company calculated the cost of a lot of convenience, to the AU after a computer automatically calculate coordinates substitute comparison table to improve efficiency and analysis Repair yields, in the end of August from the beginning of the use of Excel VBA turn carried by the use of Visual Basic programming, simply by the beginning of the coordinates of the aircraft in fixed and gradually perfect its functions, after numerous functions perfect, updated version , until now automatically value, take a few screens to install and keep other aircraft types, Cell coordinates and coordinate simultaneous COF, simultaneously hard and soft keyboard input, question is valueTo prevent failure, point and thread type of undesirable precise positioning the cursor, 4 Operational functions to four 40-inch production line, the company can save costs 6333822.717 RMB, Amateur using VB programming staff prepared the examination system has been applied to AUO Xiamen plant, and is the level of expand to other plant.


更多网络解释与thread cell相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

thread cell; cnidoblast:刺丝细胞

刺丝胞 thread capsule; nematocyst; cnida | 刺丝细胞 thread cell; cnidoblast | 榨丝器 thread press

infection thread reaches base of epidermal cell:侵染线达到表皮细胞底部

infection thread membrance ==> 侵染线膜 | infection thread reaches base of epidermal cell ==> 侵染线达到表皮细胞底部 | infection tube ==> 侵染管

thread cell:刺细胞

体腔(体肠腔)是囊状的,带有一个既作口又作肛门的开口.该开口被 带有刺细胞(thread cell)的触手围绕.腔肠动物可以以自由游泳方式 (例如水母)和定居方式(例如珊瑚虫)存在.后者可以是群集的(例 如珊瑚虫)或独居的(例如海葵和水螅).在许多腔肠动物中,