英语人>词典>英汉 : supreme的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,同义词,拼写相似词汇

supreme [sju'pri:m]


至高的, 终极的, 极端的, 最大的, 最高的

  • The Pope is the supreme leader of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • 教皇是罗马天主教的最高领袖。
  • The most important law court is called the Supreme Court.
  • 最重要的法院叫做最高法院。
  • This is the supreme danger of our times.
  • 这是我们时代最大的危险。

至高, 霸权

adj. maximum · chief · extreme · greatest · utmost · top · uppermost · paramount · foremost
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The legislative also in this case being supposed to consist of several persons,(for if it be a single person, it cannot but be always in being, and so will, as supreme, naturally have the supreme executive power, together with the legislative) may assemble, and exercise their legislature, at the times that either their original constitution, or their own adjournment, appoints, or when they please; if neither of these hath appointed any time, or there be no other way prescribed to convoke them: for the supreme power being placed in them by the people, it is always in them, and they may exercise it when they please, unless by their original constitution they are limited to certain seasons, or by an act of their supreme power they have adjourned to a certain time; and when that time comes, they have a right to assemble and act again.


The author also brings his proposal about how to perfect the legislation of common bribery. He suggests: Firstly, in the general principles of criminal law, it should be prescribed definitely no matter the person who has identity or not committing a crime together which is constituted for their identity, the action belongs to common crime. Secondly, in separate principles of criminal law, the spirit of rule about the common bribery crime in "The conversazione summary of country court cognizance economy crime cases" put out by the supreme court of people in 2003 as well as "The notions of some questions about the suitable laws of transacting the bribery case in the supreme court of people and the supreme procurator of people" in 2007 should be put in the separate principles.


In Ex parte McCardle (1869), the Supreme Court upheld a congressional statute withdrawing Supreme Court appellate jurisdiction to issue writs of habeas corpus even after the case had been orally argued to the Supreme Court.

因为这一例外条款,在1869年的Ex parte McCardle案中,最高法院支持了一项国会法律,这项法律撤回了最高法院关于签发人身保护令状的上诉管辖权,尽管这个案件已经在最高法院开庭审理。

更多网络解释 与supreme相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


查 sovereignty 一字, 在牛津字典中之意义, 系指"一国至高无上 (supreme) 的统治权力", 换言之, 就该字本身涵义而言乃是独立而特出於所谓的 "权利" (right)而有显著差别的.至於其后所称之 "title" , 中文将之译成 "所有权" (ownership),




当然,就一般人来说,我们在承受各种痛苦负担的时候,确实很难如此正面思考,但也正因为如此,那才是我们的考验!我们应该在自己脑海里设想 一幕"至高"(supreme)的期待,去尽自己的可能做最好表现.


主权的含义是,国家对领土享有全面的(comprehensive)、至高的(supreme)、绝对的(unqualified)和唯一(exclusive)的控制权. 有学者提出,由于全球化,威斯特伐利亚体系在很大程度上已经成为了历史. 跟过去相比而言,

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