英语人>词典>汉英 : 霸权 的英文翻译,例句
霸权 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
hegemony  ·  overlordship  ·  supreme  ·  hegemonies

更多网络例句与霸权相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

So, as western hegemony is challenged the media and western-funded INGOs in the guise of universal defenders of human rights turn the spotlight on those who are responsible for eroding western supremacy instead of the much-needed introspection that would show their governments are hardly an attar of roses.


Stand today United States of the backdate on this time place " Caesarean hegemony " since the source, not difficult discovery drives people for a long time and support American outspread actual strength and the motive power that move toward hegemony.


We can get some clue from two great powers which exist in the past and another one normally dominating the current system: the formation, development and extreme disaggregation influence the world structure a lot.


With the rise and fall of the hegemon based on un-equilibrium development in its power, the hegemonic system also developed cyclically.


In the late 1980's, many people were talking about the decline of American power, and Nye refuted the declines from three different perspectives and put forth his soft power theory.


On the one hand the Orientalist consciously or unconsciously attempts to control and manipulate the process of dialogue and communication, on the other hand they are frustrated again and again because they meet the elastic resistance of the sophisticated and wise India civilization. As a result, the contact and the communication between the West and the East were spoiled, suspended and even aborted, making both sides frustrated and upset.


Under the situation of the globalization of economy, the westerndeveloped capitalism not only use the way of economy, depend on theireconomy power to seek for the hegemony of politics. They bring up lots of theadditional political term when they make business with the developing country.They put forward that "the national sovereignty is out of the date","humanrights are higher than sovereignty "and other paralogism. For seekinghegemony look for the theories basis, this clear up country's sovereigntyroughly. In fact, they are interfering the domestic affairs of other countries.With the development of information technique, the western countries using themodern mass media go on "peaceful evolution" toward socialism country.


The reason of World War Ⅱ was due to fascistic countries trying to change the system of Versaille-Washington affirmed by post-World War Ⅰby the way of war and to refigure the hegemonic order of regional powers.


"I would like the United States to live up to the responsibilities of its hegemonic power because it is not going to give up its hegemonic power,"he says.


Nye's neo-liberal theory on hegemony has contributed to the development of western hegemony theories. It is aimed at nullifying "hegemony cycle theory" and maintaining a permanent US hegemony.


更多网络解释与霸权相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Bluest Eye:文化霸权

眼动实验:eye movement experiment | 文化霸权:the bluest eye | "猫眼"效应:'cat-eye'effect


undisputed 毫无争议的 | hegemon 霸主,霸权 | emerging 新兴的


demonist 鬼怪信仰者 | hegemonist 鼓吹霸权者,霸权主义者 | mnemonist 研究记忆术者


具海根(Hagen K oo)在研究韩国工人的阶兰西 "霸权"(hegemony)的概念进行解释,而陈峰则从"道义经济定了所谓的历史主义(historicist)和建构主义视角. 查克里巴蒂(Dipesh Chakrabarty)在<<工人阶级历史的再思考:孟加阶级-自为阶级"扩展为资本主义结构、生活方式(ways of life)、意识倾向(dispositio


hedonism "戏得你生"-----享乐主义 | hegemony "骑街骂你"-----霸权 | itinerant "易地拉练"-----巡回的

American Hegemony:美利坚霸权

hegemonic war 霸权战争 | American hegemony 美利坚霸权 | international hegemony 国际霸权


hegemon /霸/霸主/ | hegemonic /支配的/霸权的/ | hegemony /霸权/领导权/支配权/盟主权/

hegemonic:支配的; 掌握霸权的 (形)

hefty 重的, 肌肉发达的 (形) | hegemonic 支配的; 掌握霸权的 (形) | hegemony 霸权, 支配权, 领导权 (名)

hegemonic war:霸权战争

hegemonic governance 霸权统治 | hegemonic war 霸权战争 | American hegemony 美利坚霸权

hegemonic status:霸权国地位

hegemonic state 霸权国 | hegemonic status 霸权国地位 | hegemonic structure 霸权结构