英语人>词典>汉英 : 极端的 的英文翻译,例句
极端的 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
deadliest  ·  dire  ·  excessive  ·  extreme  ·  plaguy  ·  supreme  ·  terrific  ·  ultra  ·  violent  ·  direr  ·  extremer  ·  extremest  ·  sublimest

更多网络例句与极端的相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The convent is supreme egoism having for its result supreme abnegation .


The extreme of Anthropomorphism, or of defining God in terms of man magnified, is thus avoided, and the opposite extreme of Agnosticism discounted.


The most extreme Calvinist may grant that there is room for all if they will come in; the most extreme Arminian must grant that redemption, in its full Scriptural meaning, is not the privilege of all men Introduction to Dogmatic Theology, p.


But I hate this drenching with rain and think it is somewhat extreme. I am peaceful and not extremist.


Extreme purpose and need made extreme form and structure.


Because of this, you may be seen as an extremist who is sometimes the zealot in expressing likes and dislikes.


Someone once commented,"The only person I ever saw in perfect balance was the one who was moving from one extreme to the other."


Lay down the smack on all people not as extreme as you, exert your dominance extremely.


Participants were asked to rate the fairness of the manager's behaviour on a nine-point scale, where one was extremely unfair and nine was extremely fair.


Their limbs, stretched and exploded, truly deserve to be called extremities--because with Bacon the body is always in extremis.


更多网络解释与极端的相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

drastic measures:极端的措施

极端的radical; extreme | 极端的措施drastic measures | 剩下的the rest; the remainder; what is left


在西方许多国家都将邪教归人cult(膜拜团体)类,主要根据是从宗教礼仪角度考察,发现邪教教徒对教主的崇拜到了无以复加的程度. 将它们视之为"新兴宗教"中"极端的"(Extreme)、"破坏性的"(Destructive)、"疯狂的"(Crazed)、"邪恶的"(Evil)团体组织.

radical; extreme:极端的

假定suppose; assume; postulate; hypothesize | 极端的radical; extreme | 极端的措施drastic measures


extremes of fortune 盛衰荣枯 | extremism 极端的倾向 | extremist 极端主义者


extremist 极端分子 | fascism 法西斯主义,极端的国家主义 | Federal Reserve System (美国)联邦储备制度

(2).extreme; favoring great changes:(形)极端的

There are radical differences between the two systems.这两个体制之间,有一... | (2).extreme; favoring great changes(形)极端的 | His ideas are too radical to be acceptable to most people.他的观念太极端,令...

go to the extreme of:达到...的极端\ 采取极端的手段

go to the expense of\\v.为...的目的花钱 | go to the extreme of\\达到...的极端\\ 采取极端的手段 | go to the fountain head\\追究根源\\ 向最高长官呼吁

utmost a.1:最远的 2.极度的,极端的

usually ad.通常,平常 | utmost a.1.最远的 2.极度的,极端的 | vacation n.假期

utmost a.1:最远的 2. 极度的,极端的 n.极度,极端,极大可能

foremost a. 1. 第一流的,最重要的 2. 最初的,最前的 | utmost a. 1. 最远的 2. 极度的,极端的 n.极度,极端,极大可能 | ascribe vt. 归因于, 归咎于

with a vengeance X:猛烈地、极端的

viable X---能养活的、能生育的 | vocal 口头的、声音的 | with a vengeance X---猛烈地、极端的