英语人>词典>英汉 : pass the time的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇
pass the time的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇

pass the time

pass the time的基本解释


更多网络例句与pass the time相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I don't know how to pass the time.


I think you'll pass the exam next time.


Don't worry, I think you'll pass the exam this time.


You can also talk as you are exercising, which is a great way to pass the time.


It can pass the text of time.


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更多网络解释与pass the time相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pass the time:消磨时光

pass on传递;转移 | pass the time消磨时光 | pass up放过

pass the time:消磨时间

8)it takes ...(hours)to do...:花......(时间)做...... | 9)pass the time:消磨时间 | 10)work like magic:如变魔法般

pass the time:消磨时光 ncN无忧研修网

pass on 传递;转移 ncN无忧研修网 | pass the time 消磨时光 ncN无忧研修网 | pass up 放过 ncN无忧研修网

pass the time of day:寒暄,打招呼

I really had a difficult time during the thirty minutes' job interview. 半小时的面试对我简直... | pass the time of day 寒暄,打招呼: | It's about time / high time是该...... 时候(从句中用虚拟语态,动词用过...

pass the time of day:与人闲聊

call it a day:今天到此为止, 暂停止 | pass the time of day:与人闲聊 | It's up to you. 这事由你决定.

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