英语人>词典>英汉 : horseflies的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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In traditional Eastern medicine, horseflies are used as anti-thrombosis material for hundreds of years.

牛虻在我国作为传统的抗血栓药物而长期使用,但其抗血栓的分子机制和物质基础还不清楚,在去年该团队对牛虻抗血栓功能物质进行研究并取得了重要进展的基础上( Mol Cell Proteomics 。

As he lay there unable to move, a swarm of horseflies settled on him and sucked his blood undisturbed, for he was too weak even to shake them off.


Female horseflies transmit diseases, their main as pests is of their bite.


This non-greasy, light oil formula keep mosquitoes, gnats, horseflies, black and biting files away. Quickly absorbs into the skin to protect you and the whole family.


There are various insects in the UK that bite, including midges, gnats, mosquitoes, flies, fleas, lice, spiders, horseflies, ants, mites, ticks, and bedbugs.

有各种各样的昆虫,在英国叮人,包括蠓, gnats ,蚊子,苍蝇,跳蚤,虱子,蜘蛛,虻,蚂蚁,螨,蜱,和臭虫。

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