英语人>词典>英汉 : contractile cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句
contractile cell的中文,翻译,解释,例句

contractile cell

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The ability of proliferation in 2Gy group was not influenced by irradiation, but in 4Gy group that was depressed , and lasted for more than 3 weeks. We did not detect contractile cells, cell fusion and myotube in both unirradiated group and 4Gy group, which were induced by 5-aza.

三、实验结果: 1、未照射组、2Gy和4Gy组细胞生长良好,8Gy和12Gy组细胞全部死亡。2Gy组细胞增殖能力未受到影响,而4Gy组细胞增殖能力受到抑制,且持续3周以上。

It has been shown that chronic stimulation of cultured cardiac myocytes prevents dedifferentiation, maintaining the contractile properties of the cell for much longer than unstimulated cells.


To investigate the effect of lactate solution of different concentration on action potential of ventricular papillary muscle cell and contractile force.


Manuscripts dealing with the structure and function of cell membranes, contractile systems, cellular organelles, and membrane channels, transporters, and pumps are encouraged.


The morphological and spontaneous contractile properties of isolated cell appeared to be typical embryonic cardiomyocytes when assessed by phase-contrast microscope.

心肌肥大会使胚胎时期出现过的基因重新表达[5],所以在胚胎心脏上曾经存在的电流可能会在病理情况下重新表现,从而导致某些心脏病的发生,事实上,在自发性高血压大鼠和人体衰竭心脏的心室肌细胞上都记录到了if [1, 2]。

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peritubular contractile cell:小管周围收缩细胞

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peritubular contractile cell:小管周收缩细胞

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