英语人>词典>英汉 : angle of bank的中文,翻译,解释,例句
angle of bank的中文,翻译,解释,例句

angle of bank

angle of bank的基本解释

[机] 倾斜角

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Reason is: Think from the angle of the bank, the small drawing business that takes Zhang through bar in great quantities is deficit business, it is at the salary of bank bar staff and bank relatively for the defray of chummage respect, the poundage that place of small drawing business brings and interest income, very little, can't offset cost.


However, from the angle of the bank, business of loan of intellectual property impawn exists as before a few cannot evasive problem, it is difficult when pursueing this business to cause a bank heavily.


Because the most actual bank sides are slantwise, the wave-making resistance under different width conditions was calculated by changing the angle of the bank sides to test the practicability of this program. By analyzing the angle of the slantwise bank and the coefficient of the wave-making resistance, the optimal distance to the bank can be determined.


At the angle of bank management, it can be seen coming from the external factor and inside factor.


We first analyze foreign credit screening institution. From the angle of comparing modern commercial bank systems, America and Germany represent two different types.


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更多网络解释与angle of bank相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

angle of bank:倾斜角

angle of attack 迎角 | angle of bank 倾斜角 | angle of circumference 圆周角

angle of bank:曲折角

angle of attachment 闭合角 | angle of bank 曲折角 | angle of direction 方位角

angle of bank:傾斜角( 航空 )

均衡角 angle of balance | 傾斜角( 航空 ) angle of bank | 彎曲角 angle of bend

angle of bank:倾斜角, 倾侧角

angle of attack 迎角, 攻角 | angle of bank 倾斜角, 倾侧角 | angle of bite 咬入角, 啮入角

AOB Angle Of Bank:坡度

AOAT Allowed Off-Aircraft Time 允许离机时间 | AOB Angle Of Bank 坡度 | AOB Any Other Business 其他任何事物