英语人>词典>英汉 : a man of letters的中文,翻译,解释,例句
a man of letters的中文,翻译,解释,例句

a man of letters

a man of letters的基本解释

学者, 作家, 骚人墨客

更多网络例句与a man of letters相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The instinctive sense of the dishonor which money-purchase does to art is so spong that sometimes a man of letters who can pay his way otherwise refuses pay for his work, as Lord Byron did, for a while, from a noble pride, and as Count Tolstoy has pied to do, from a noble conscience.

金钱购买给艺术的本能耻辱感如此强烈,以致可有时文人可以获得报酬却拒绝为其作品给予的报酬,Lord Byron有时因为尊贵的自豪而这么做,而Count Tolstoy则出于贵族的良知而尽力这么做。

His enduring that in the distant future, if the distant future deigns to consider my insignificance, it shall be appraised rather as a man of letters than a man of action.

& 他说了句久为流传的话:&在遥远的未来,如果未来人们还认为我算个小人物,那时他们会把我评价为一个作家而非一个战士。

Had your father had no claim for his costs on me, you, I know perfectly well, would, as far as words go, at any rate have been most sympathetic about the entire loss of my library, a loss irreparable to a man of letters, the one of all my material losses the most distressing to me.


更多网络解释与a man of letters相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a man of iron:意志坚强的人

a man of his hands 匠人 | a man of iron 意志坚强的人 | a man of letters 学者

a man of honor:讲信义的人, 正派的人

a man of his word 说话算数的人, 守信用的人 | a man of honor 讲信义的人, 正派的人 | a man of letters 作家, 文学家;文人, 学者


The Mansion(大厦) | THE MAN OF LETTERS AS A MAN OF BUSINESS(儒商) | The Marriages(婚姻)