英语人>词典>汉英 : 学者 的英文翻译,例句
学者 的英文翻译、例句


基本解释 (translations)
academic  ·  academician  ·  bookman  ·  hakim  ·  literate  ·  literatus  ·  pundit  ·  savant  ·  scholar  ·  sophist  ·  student  ·  academist  ·  hakeem  ·  swamy  ·  academicians  ·  academics  ·  bookmen  ·  savants  ·  scholars

cap and gown · learned man · a man of letters · man of learning · man of letters
更多网络例句与学者相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This paper gives a brief introduction to anthropological studies of Japanese scholars in the period (1895-1945)of Taiwan as a colony of Japan, reviews the foundation and change of main academicals institutions, scholars and its fieldwork , and main scholarship achievement and it is pointed out that Japanese scholars' anthropological knowledge acquired in Taiwan belongs to colonialism.


In On Learning, Fuzeyuji, the Japanese neoteric educationist and ideologist , expressed the idea that the scholar should work his best to push forward civilization, to concentrate his studies on important issues dosed related to social development, to be brave enough to doubt the accepted, and to be able to suffer anonymousness.


But what makes it especially important is that The Complete Cyclopedia of Chinese Calligraphy has high academic values.


The ideas of two economists lay at the center of that struggle: John Maynard Keynes, the elegant Englishman who advocated government intervention to control the booms and busts of capitalist economies, and Freidrich Von Hayek, the Austrian emigre who argued that government intervention in the economy would erode human freedom and was doomed to failure.

二十世纪两位杰出的经济学者发表了两套截然不同的经济理论:英国学者John Maynard Keynes提倡政府应该干预控制社会的经济盛衰;奥地利学者Freidrich Von Hayek则反驳John Maynard的理论,认为政府干预社会经济将会破坏人民的自由,并断定这套理论将会失败。

April 3, 2003, from the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, Korea and other 21 countries in Asia and Europe more than 30 conservation and study of traditional music experts, scholars and the Ministry of Culture, China Art Research Institute of China Academy of Music on leadership and experts and scholars have gathered in Galla, on-site visits to the ancient music.


This paper has proposed the following explanation for this topic based on Social Couplings by Maturana, a cognitive biology scholar, organic view by Cooley, a symbolic interactionist , and model of a system in equilibrium by Argyle, a social psychologist:(1) the interaction is an act sequence of "hint-choice";(2) All the teacher and students in mathematics classroom have contributed to the formation and modification of consensual domain;(3) consensual domain in mathematics classroom is not an independent reality;(4) teacher and students' perception to consensual domain in mathematics classroom shall guide their behavior;(5) The coupling standard of consensual domain is not fixed for all observers;(6) the effect of mathematics enculturation should be reinterpreted.


Psychologists spent much of the 20th century denigrating the work of 19th-century physiognomic and phrenologists who thought the shapes of faces and skulls carry information about personality.


This paper, through the retrieving and analysis of a wealth of English and Chinese literature, makes an all-round analysis of the research results and basic viewpoints on China's tourism made by Chinese scholars, foreign scholars and Chinese scholars residing abroad, and holds discussions on the basic wend in the course of tourism research .


This rapidly advancing field is now bearing the fruits of interdisciplinary efforts by microbiologists, immunologists, cell biologists, geneticists and ecologists.


When my colleagues were introduced this morning, you will have noticed that most of them were identified by their professorship: the, somebody, the Craustein Professor of Mathematics, the Stimson Professor ; other professorships were mentioned.


更多网络解释与学者相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

aerodynamicist:空气动力学者, 气体力学者

aerodynamically | 空气动力学地 | aerodynamicist | 空气动力学者, 气体力学者 | aerodynamics accelerator | 气体动力学加速器(一种化学加速器)


Mormonist 魔门教徒 | canonist 圣典学者,宗教法规学者 | saloonist 酒店老板,酒吧管理员


orographer 山志学家 | chorographer 地志学者,地方地理学者 | spectrographer 使用分光摄影仪的人


ethnogeography /民族地理学/ | ethnographer /民族志学者/人种学者/ | ethnographic /民族志学的/

ethnographer:民族志学者; 人种学者 (名)

ethnics 伦理学; 人种学 (名) | ethnographer 民族志学者; 人种学者 (名) | ethnographic 人种志的 (形)


ichnologist 化石足迹学家 | ethnologist 人种学家,民族学者,人类文化学者 | paleethnologist 古人种学家


enumeration 列举,枚举 | ethnologist 人种学者,民族学者,人类文化学者 | executioner 刽子手


chromolithographer 套色印刷者 | orthographer 正字法学者,拼字学者 | 86.biographer 传记作者


penologist 刑罚学者 | penologist 监狱管理学者 | penologist 监狱管理学者


学者(Savant)一词源自法语,是学习(To Learn)或学者(Man of Learning),个人拥有丰富的学识,或在某个学术领域中有杰出成就之意. 白痴学者与自闭学者是智能障碍与自闭症儿童及青少年中特有的现象,至今尚未有精确的定义.