英语人>词典>英汉 : Lully的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

Lully ['lʌli]


, Raymond[re'mJN]卢利

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As with Lully's stylization and organization of the opera, the concerto grosso is built on strong contrasts- sections alternate between those played by the full orchestra , and those played by a smaller group.


Whereas lully was ensconced at court, Corelli was one of the first composers to publish widely and have his music performed all over Europe.


Alongside four original suites for harpsichord, it also includes transcriptions of works by his friend Jean-Baptiste Lully .


While conducting the hymnal Te Deum for French King Louis XIV in 1687, Jean-Baptiste Lully was so focused in keeping the rhythm by banging a staff against the floor (this was the method before conductor's baton came into use), that he struck his toe hard but refused to stop.

死于指挥杖:1687年,法国一位著名的指挥Jean-Baptiste Lully在为法国国王路易14指挥一场音乐会,用一根棍杖敲击地板保持节奏,(在指挥棒未发明之前用棍杖),由于太投入太卖劲,以至戳伤了脚趾,Lully还拒绝半途中止演出。

Finally, it has decidedly no right to be considered as an excellent means to induce the Jews to receive Christianity, although this has been maintained by such Christian scholars as R. Lully, Pico della Mirandola, Reuchlin, Knorr von Rosenroth, etc., and although such prominent Jewish Kabbalists as Riccio, Conrad, Otto, Rittangel, Jacob Franck, etc., have embraced the Christian Faith, and proclaimed in their works the great affinity of some doctrines of the Kabbala with those of Christianity.

最后,它已断然没有权利将被视为一个极好手段诱使犹太人接受基督教,虽然这一直是保持这样的基督教学者传译lully ,微微della米兰朵拉, reuchlin , knorr冯rosenroth等,并虽然这样的著名犹太人kabbalists为奇,林钜成,奥托, rittangel ,雅各,法等,已经接受了基督信仰,并宣布其作品的伟大的亲和力一些教条的卡巴拉与那些基督教义。

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巴洛克时期依据风格可约分为两个时期:早期的名家如蒙特威尔第(Monteverdi)、舒兹 (Schutz)、卢利 (Lully)以及浦赛尔 (Purcell);晚期-也是最丰硕华丽的部份-以音乐巨人巴哈 (J.S.Bach)、韩德尔 (Handel)、韦华弟 (Vivaldi) 以及泰