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sort of相关的网络解释

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与 sort of 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Basements are like that:地下室给人的感觉都是那个样子

That sort of thing. It's bothered me for years.|这样的事烦我好多年了 | Basements are like that.|地下室给人的感觉都是那个样子 | I made myself go down to do some laundry...|后来我壮着胆子下去洗衣服

Hey, dead guys don't breakdance! - What's happening, Breaker:喂,死人不会跳霹雳舞! - 怎么回事,断路器

He's got 3-inch needles in his ... | - Hey, dead guys don't breakdance! - What's happening, Breaker?|- 喂,死人不会跳霹雳舞! - 怎么回事,断路器? | - Nanomites, they're eating him. - Must be some sort of ...

This shows what happens to the crevasses:这里展示了裂隙造成的后果

sort of like termites.|或是白蚁洞 | This shows what happens to the crevasses,|这里展示了裂隙造成的后果 | and when lakes form, they create what are called moulins.|一旦形成了湖 就会产生冰川蜗穴

Futurists? - Yes, ltalians:未来派艺术家? - 是的,意大利人

Yes? Some sort of mad reverse futurist?|是吗?是一种疯狂颠倒的未来派艺... | - Futurists? - Yes, ltalians.|- 未来派艺术家? - 是的,意大利人. | They experienced the war "pictorially."|他们经历过这种画般的战...

A life half-lived:半死不活

- Like a proverb. - Yeah, sort of.|- 嗯,像句格言. - 是,算是. | A life half-lived.|半死不活... | I like it.|我喜欢这句.

in the Linguini character:找到类似的特质

58.你也可以从小林的角色And I think that you can see the same sort of volatility... | 59.找到类似的特质...in the Linguini character. | 60.笨蛋! "Stupid!"

A what? - A Wiccan:什么? - 男巫

- Sort of? - Well, I'm actually a Wiccan.|- 差不多? - 我是个男巫 | - A what? - A Wiccan.|- 什么? - 男巫 | Wiccan?|男巫?

No odd-looking freckles?Nodules in the iris:没有难看的雀斑?虹膜里没有小块

No, she never had any sort of health problems.|不,她身体一向很健康 | No odd-looking freckles?Nodules in the iris?|没有难看的雀斑?虹膜里没有小块? | nothing.|没有

Teenage ragers:小孩子脾气

Wait. Live together?|等等 住在一起? | Teenage ragers,|小孩子脾气 | annoying sort of siblings, being yelled at by my mother...|讨厌的兄弟姐妹 遭到妈妈的斥责...


Yeah, weII, they aII say they're producers or sheiks,... | Hi, putz, I'm giving you your Iast chance for Pavarotti,|Hi, 我给你最后一个机会去看帕瓦罗蒂 | Hey, isn't PearI Jam some sort of orientaI sex t...

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Sort Of Delilah
Some Sort Of Creature
Sort Of Revolution
Sort Of
Sort Of A Protest Song
Sort Of
With Any Sort Of Certainty
A Sort Of Homecoming


美子弥勒(miroku)声优:士谷耕史珊瑚(sango) 声优:桑岛法子奈落(naraku) 声优:森川智之杀生丸(sesshoumaru) 声优:成田剑剣玲(rin) 声优:能登麻美子邪见(jaken) 声优:长岛雄一让.雷诺饰演的休伯特(Hubert)是巴黎的一位刑警,

a large number of:许多

31. a number of一些 | 32. a large number of许多 | 33. be successful in business在生意上成功

