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sort of相关的网络解释

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与 sort of 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sort:abbr. standards of reporting trials; 报告试验的标准


Sounds terrible:听起来好可怕

253 Sort of. 可以这么说... | 254 Sounds terrible! 听起来好可怕! | 255 Speak up! 大声点!

the South Sea Islands:南太平洋诸岛

the sort of 那种 | the South Sea Islands 南太平洋诸岛 | the species 人类

step aside:让开,让路

Sort of. 有一点. | Step aside! 让开,让路! | Suit yourself. 你来拿主意.

He acted like a stinker:他的举止特别让人讨厌

a big formal dinner in London.|在伦敦一个大型正式宴会上 | He acted like a stinker.|他的举止特别让人讨厌 | The sort of British snob I detest.|就像我讨厌的那种英国势利小人

Yeah, sturdiness stuff:是呀 全投入就好了

Sort of a show skill, talent show, tab dale?|表演技术? 像歌唱表演那种吗? | Yeah, sturdiness stuff.|是呀 全投入就好了 | Great informers. I think that's up my alley guys.|太棒了 表演! 虽然不是我的强项

and suchlike:等等 诸如此类

and such | 等等, 诸如此类 | and suchlike | 等等 诸如此类 | and that sort of thing | 以及诸如此类的事情, 等等

I suppose:我想

借助鼓励当事人试着将一些限定词,例如,可能(maybepossibly)、或许(perhaps)、某种(sort of)、我猜(I guess),以及我想(I suppose)等等去除掉,可帮助当事人将原本模糊的讯息,转变成清晰或直接的陈述.

tattered:不该穿着这破旧的 肮脏的 衣服

You know, a young and pretty new bride like you|你... | shouldn't be walking around in an old, dirty, tattered, old skirt.|不该穿着这破旧的 肮脏的 衣服 | I know. I sort of lost all my clothes along the ...

Teensy question:请问一下 ,嗯

Thanks a lot for wrecking my day!|谢谢你们浪费我的时间 | Teensy question.|请问一下 ,嗯 | Or more like a... a sort of a query meets a statement.|这应该算是一个疑问 也是一个陈述

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Sort Of Delilah
Some Sort Of Creature
Sort Of Revolution
Sort Of
Sort Of A Protest Song
Sort Of
With Any Sort Of Certainty
A Sort Of Homecoming

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子