英语人>网络解释>say 相关的网络解释
与 say 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I say angrily:我生气地说

12、In the end, I find my glasses. 最后我找到了我的眼镜. | 13--I say angrily. 我生气地说. | She say sadly.她伤心地说.

Anything you say can and will be turned into something else - fixed:不喷小白,否则他们便得逞

12. Anything you say can and will be used against yo... | 13. Anything you say can and will be turned into something else - fixed不喷小白,否则他们便得逞 | 14. Do not argue with trolls - it means that t...

By the time I say go:我要你跟我走

You can betcha, 你是我的 | By the time I say go 我要你跟我走 | You'll never say no 你会无法拒绝

By the time I say go:我要妳跟我走

You can betcha, 妳是我的 | By the time I say go 我要妳跟我走 | You'll never say no 妳會無法拒絕

By the time I say go:我要你跟我走 教育

You can betcha, 你是我的 教育 | By the time I say go 我要你跟我走 教育 | You'll never say no 你会无法拒绝教育

say over:背诵

say out 直说 | say over 背诵 | say the devil's paternoster 发牢骚

you say, she is too belittled:你说,"她真不起眼

i say, she holds sincerity 我说,"她真诚待人" | you say, she is too belittled 你说,"她真不起眼" | i say, she is beyond the words 我说,"她超乎你的想象"

Say you're a homo. They don't take homos:说你自己是同性恋 他们不招同性恋的

I went in when I was 17.|我17岁的时候... | Say you're a homo. They don't take homos.|说你自己是同性恋 他们不招同性恋的 | Just say you're a pedophile. Say you wanna go into the villages...|说你有恋童癖 ...

brickbats and tiles,say the bells of st. giles:提到瓦片和砖头,就数大钟圣吉尔斯

bull's eyes and targets,say the bells of st. margret's. 提... | brickbats and tiles,say the bells of st. giles'. 提到瓦片和砖头,就数大钟圣吉尔斯. | oranges and lemons,say the bells of st. clement's. 提...

Leo Sayer-More Than I Can Say:爱你在心口难开

10.Leo sayer - auld lang syne 友谊地久天长 | 11.Leo sayer - more than i can say 爱你在心口难开 | 12.Lionel richie - say you say me说你说我

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Say What You Need To Say
U Say, I Say
Don't Say No, Just Say Yes
Don't Say Goodbye, Say Goodnight
Say Something, Say Anything
If You Can't Smile And Say Yes (Please Don't Cry And Say No)
(What Can I Say) After I Say I'm Sorry?
What Can I Say After I Say I'm Sorry
Say Say Say
Say Say Say

front slagging:前方除渣(熔铁炉)

"准星","front sight" | "前方除渣(熔铁炉)","front slagging" | "前弹簧","front spring"

make noise:吵闹、发出嘈杂声

85.see to照料、注意; | 86.make noise吵闹、发出嘈杂声; | 87.stare at凝视;

derivative equaliser:孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟

aperture corrector with delay line 带有延迟线的... | aperture equaliser, derivative equaliser, group delay equaliser, delay 孔径均衡器、微分均衡器、群时延均衡器、延迟 | apparatus electric circuit 电子篱笆;...