英语人>网络解释>periwinkle blue 相关的网络解释
periwinkle blue相关的网络解释

查询词典 periwinkle blue

与 periwinkle blue 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Blue Slate:石板蓝(暗蓝灰色)

-144 Cloud Blue 云蓝* | -145 Blue Slate 石板蓝(暗蓝灰色) | -146 Periwinkle 长春花

Blue Slate:石板蓝(暗蓝灰色) tTa工业设计.中国

-144 Cloud Blue 云蓝* tTa工业设计.中国 | -145 Blue Slate 石板蓝(暗蓝灰色) tTa工业设计.中国 | -146 Periwinkle 长春花 tTa工业设计.中国

Blue Slate:石板蓝(暗蓝灰色) HNr工业设计.中国

-144 Cloud Blue 云蓝* HNr工业设计.中国 | -145 Blue Slate 石板蓝(暗蓝灰色) HNr工业设计.中国 | -146 Periwinkle 长春花 HNr工业设计.中国

Periwinkle blue. Bye, boys:常春藤蓝,再见伙计

I'll tell you who robbed your bookies.|我会告诉你谁抢了你的赌场 | Periwinkle blue. Bye, boys.|常春藤蓝,再见伙计 | Who's proper fucked now, then?|现在是谁玩完了?

Right. And she's terrible partial to the periwinkle blue:对,她非常喜欢长春藤蓝

Save your breath for cooling your porridge.|别多费唇舌了 | Right. And she's terrible partial to the periwinkle blue.|对,她非常喜欢长春藤蓝 | Have I made myself clear?|我说得够清楚了吧?


rosin spirit:松脂醇; 松香精

rectified spirit精馏酒精 | rosin spirit松脂醇; 松香精 | rye spirit黑麦酒精

Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers:殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体

- That was amber. - Nice try,cutthroat bi... | - Funeral home prep rooms are filled with toxic chemicals. - And cadavers.|- 殡仪准备室充满了有毒化学剂 - 和尸体 | Everybody in that place obviously died ...

AMP amplitude:振幅,幅度

AMP Amplifier 放大器,扩大器 | AMP Amplitude 振幅,幅度 | AMPA Adaptive Multibeam Phased Array 自适应多波束相控阵