英语人>网络解释>closet 相关的网络解释

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与 closet 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

water closet, W.C:厕所

操舵装置Steering Gear | 厕所Water Closet?W.C. | 侧面型线图Sheer Plan

water closet, W.C:卫生间

盥洗室 toilet room | 卫生间 water closet, W.C. | 前室,门厅 foyer

water closet, W.C:厕所;抽水马桶 nyz中国英语学习网

toilet, lavatory, washroom 卫生间 nyz中国英语学习网 | water closet, W.C. 厕所;抽水马桶 nyz中国英语学习网 | toilet roll, toilet paper 卫生纸 nyz中国英语学习网

communal water closet:公用厕所

communal toilet 公用厕所 | communal water closet 公用厕所 | community and welfare premises 社区及福利用途楼宇

communal water closet:公用厕所sBs中国学习动力网

communal toilet 公用厕所sBs中国学习动力网 | communal water closet 公用厕所sBs中国学习动力网 | community and welfare premises 社区及福利用途楼宇sBs中国学习动力网

trough water closet:槽式水厕

trough slab 槽形板 | trough water closet 槽式水厕 | trowel 灰板;抹子

Damon doused the closet floor with gasoline, lit it:戴蒙在壁橱底层 倒上汽油点燃后

You want to call it?|你有何看法? | Damon doused the closet floor with gasoline, lit it|戴蒙在壁橱底层 倒上汽油点燃后 | and got the hell out of Dodge.|自己就逃之夭夭了

then stormed the closet:然后翻箱倒柜

Harold took his Kleenex box, threw it across the room...|哈洛拿起他的面纸盒扔掉 | ...then stormed the closet!"|然后翻箱倒柜 | Come on. Say something.|来啊,说点什么

Before he goes she straightens his belts in the closet:他离开前妻子帮他整理衣柜里的皮带

A man with cancer leaves his wife for his lover. 生... | Before he goes she straightens his belts in the closet, 他离开前妻子帮他整理衣柜里的皮带, | rearranges the socks and sweaters inside the dresser ...

Wallpapered the closet, passed the gravy:撕去"墙纸",进入柜子,穿过丛林

Who's Percy?|谁是帕西? | Wallpapered the closet, passed the gravy.|撕去"墙纸",进入柜子,穿过丛林 | Went heels to Jesus. Oh. Oh, made love.|- 来到上帝面前 - 哦,哦,^做**啊

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In A Closet In The Middle Of The Night
Skeletons In The Closet
Cleaning Out My Closet
A Skeleton In The Closet
My Closet (Sayitainttone)
Closet Thing To Heaven
King Of The Closet
Closet Freak
Keg In The Closet
N Da Closet

Gooch valve motion:古氏阀动装置

autodoping effect 自掺杂效应 | Gooch valve motion 古氏阀动装置 | funny bone (肘上)尺骨端

ascending development:上行展开法

system上行激活系统[用于神经生物学] | ascending development上行展开法 | ascertainment确定,确认

functional autonomy:功能独立

驱力减低说---drive reduction th. | 恒定状态(作用)-homeostasis | 功能独立-functional autonomy