英语人>网络解释>aunt 相关的网络解释
与 aunt 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Know what? It's for my great-aunt. She's in the hospital:你知道吧? 是送给我婶祖母 她住院了

Desperately important scarf.|极重要的围... | Know what? It's for my great-aunt. She's in the hospital.|你知道吧? 是送给我婶祖母 她住院了 | Can you ask them to turn the heating up?|你不能让医院把暖气温度...

my aunt's hairdryer:我婶婶的电吹风

品尝可口的食物 eat delicious food | 我婶婶的电吹风 my aunt's hairdryer | 没有人回答 nobody answer

What do you got against Aunt Jemima:你和那詹米玛大婶较什么劲

Yeah, rice. Just what I was hoping for.|又是米饭 简直... | What do you got against Aunt Jemima?|你和那詹米玛大婶较什么劲 | Jap navy sails up and down this slot every night and plasters us.|鬼子的海军阴魂...

Aunt Marge:玛姬姑妈

196.Scabior 斯卡奥比 | 197.Aunt Marge 玛姬姑妈 | 198.Albert Runcorn 艾伯特 伦考恩

She's my aunt, Mrs Black:她是我的阿姨,布莱特夫人

No, she isn't. 不,她不是. | She's my aunt, Mrs Black. 她是我的阿姨,布莱特夫人. | Hi, Yang Ling. 嗨,杨玲.

She's my aunt, Mrs Black:她是我阿姨,布莱克夫人

23.不,她不是. No, she isn't. | 24. 她是我阿姨,布莱克夫人. She's my aunt, Mrs Black. | 25.他是谁?Who's he?

She's my aunt, Mrs Black:她是我的阿姨,布莱克夫人

No, she isn't. 不,她不是. | She's my aunt, Mrs. Black.她是我的阿姨,布莱克夫人. | Hi, Yang Ling.你好,杨玲.

Aunt Petunia:佩妮姨妈

Uncle Vernon 沃能姨父 | Aunt Petunia 佩妮姨妈 | Marge 玛芝 (沃能之姐妹)

Aunt Petunia:费奥纳.肖

艾伦.里克曼 .... Severus Snape | 费奥纳.肖 .... Aunt Petunia | 玛吉.史密斯 .... Minerva McGonagall

Ladies and gentlemen, pull up a chair, drop the kids off with their aunt:女士们先生们,撑开一个椅子 把孩子扔给他们的姑妈

All right.|... | Ladies and gentlemen, pull up a chair, drop the kids off with their aunt...|女士们先生们,撑开一个椅子 把孩子扔给他们的姑妈 | ...and take the phone off the hook because it's race day he...

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Gigolo Aunt
Electric Aunt Jemima
Aunt Dot
I Fucked My Aunt
Aunt Betty

absolute minimum:絕對最小值

absolute minimum绝对最小值 | absolute pressure绝对压力 | absolute pressure gauge绝对压力表


meeting room 会议室,接待室 | flooded 进洪水的,被洪水冲过的 | unavailable 不能使用的

