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与 appear 相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

appear on the scene:出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意

appear in the gazette | 被宣告破产 | appear on the scene | 出现在舞台上登场, 出场出现, 受到人们注意 | appear | 出现, 看来, 似乎, 公开露面, 出版, 发表

appear on the scene:出现在舞台上;登场, 出场;[喻]出现, 受到人们注意

come on the scene 出现在舞台上;登场, 出场;[喻]出现, 受到人们注意 | appear on the scene 出现在舞台上;登场, 出场;[喻]出现, 受到人们注意 | enter on the scene 出现在舞台上;登场, 出场;[喻]出现, 受到人们注...

appear on the scene:登上历史舞台

borna disease 玻那病毒病 | appear on the scene 登上历史舞台 | epistemology 认识论


保罗说"向- 等候他的人第二次显现(appear)"(- 伯来书9:28),而彼得说了"到了牧长- 现(appear)的时候"之类的话(彼得前- 书5:4). 如果主来是秘密的或看不见的- 那么就应该记录说他不会"显现". - 当保罗和他的同伴在海中遇风浪而陷- 黑暗的时候,

to appear to be in good health:显得健康

3. vi. 好象,似乎,显得,给人印... | to appear to be in good health : 显得健康 | People who don't know me say that I appear very snobbish, but it's just because I'm shy. : 不了解我的人都说我看起来很势利,其...

The new buds begin to appear in spring, when plants come into bud:春天嫩芽初绽,正是花蕾含苞欲放之时

A bow long bent grows weak.^常拉满弓无力. | The new buds begin to appear in spring, when plants come into bud.^春天嫩芽初绽,正是花蕾含苞欲放之时. | The new buds appear in the spring.^春天嫩芽初绽....

I have to appear in court on a charge of drunken driving:我被控告醉酒驾驶而要出庭受审

* I have to appear in court on a charge of drunken driving. 我被控告醉酒驾驶而要出庭受审. | (b) act as a counsel in a lawcourt (作为辩护人)出... | appear for the defendant/prosecution 为被告[原告]出庭辩...

appear before footlights:登上舞台, 当演员

appealingly | 上诉地, 哀求地 | appear before footlights | 登上舞台, 当演员 | appear for | 替出庭

appear on the stage:登台演出

appear 出现,似乎 | appear on the stage . 登台演出. | He appears quite young 他显得年轻.

Men of great wisdom often appear slow-witted:大智若愚,大巧若拙

appear vi.出现;看来似乎, 似乎 | Men of great wisdom often appear slow-witted. ;大智若愚,大巧若拙. | appearance n.露面;外观,外貌

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Closer Than I Appear
Objects In The Rear View Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are
I Appear Missing

The tension is unendurable:紧张气氛令人难以忍受

①associate editor 副编辑 | The tension is unendurable. 紧张气氛令人难以忍受. | 37.request 要求

CRT:abbr. the chinese remainder theory; 中国剩余定理


moving pavement:移动式人行道

1900 Exhibition in Paris 1900年巴黎博览会 | Moving pavement 移动式人行道 | The envy of the world 世界的骄子