英语人>网络例句>靠拢 相关的搜索结果


与 靠拢 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Each has tried to reorient his party-and drag it towards the other's.


Namely, we assume that there is the repulsive force between amino acid residue pairs in the protein molecule, which this force prevents the any two residues, which occur far apart in the amino acid sequence of the protein, come together in a contact.


The Western world's gradual movement towards something he calls "secularity" is what gives shape and meaning to his book.


For example silk tree, sensitive to light and heat, every arrive the setting sun falls on the west, an a pair shape compound leaf draw close slowly, ci Chencai is gradually apart, in phlogistic summer afternoon, have this kind of appearance, but be inferior to at night clingy, reason renown night closes.


This is as close as you can get to a real fight even though I've never been in one, one soft-spoken fight club participant said.


"The reality is the entertainment industry has always been a little loose in its approach to best practice," said Jonathan Drimmer, a former DoJ lawyer who is now a partner in the anti-corruption group at the Steptoe - Johnson law firm.

乔纳森。迪瑞默曾是美国司法部的一名律师,现在是斯德博特-强生律师事务所(Steptoe - Johnson)反腐败组的合伙人。他表示:"现实情况是,娱乐业在向最佳实践靠拢时总是有一点点松散。"

As for capital market, Chinas WTO entry will gradually syncretize domestic capital market and international capital market, and result in an excellent environment for investment and financing. Therefore it will create good objective conditions for the further development of electric power enterprises with density capital.


With DGD method, the electron microscopy observation has provided new information on the process of chromatin migration. That is: Firstly, the nucleus moved toward cell wall and a picture characteristic of synizesis stage of meiosis appeared; Secdonly, the transmigration of chromatin occured through CC, and a more extensive region constituted of nuclear skeleton left behind chromatin, which was named as"clear spaces" under light microscopy; Thirdly, at the late stage of synizesis, most of chromatin had gone into adjacent cells through CC and fused into a whole, and the nuclear skeleton left in the former cell gradually mixed with cytoskeleton in cytoplasm.


So on foreign policy, the opposition is tacking to the centre.


In Hitler's Third Reich period, the company actively to the socialist party in power to move closer and eventually become its economic wings.


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Since historical times,England ,where the early inhabitants were Celts, has been conquered three times .


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The almost sure central limit theorem is a pop topic of the probability research in recent years,because it has many actual applications in the random analogue.
