英语人>网络例句>陪衬 相关的搜索结果


与 陪衬 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Fringe began as a foil to the snootier Edinburgh International Festival of music and theatre.


The premier danseur had to learn the art of partnering,of showing off the ballerina so that she appears to be perfect.


In daytime, its lightweight steel structures, streamlined saddle-shaped skyline and milky-white envelope lend the building a striking appearance resembling a white sail framed against the background of the sea. At night, the floodlit stadium looks like a giant fan shell immersed in the serenity of the nearby ocean.


There's a great scene in the upcoming movie,"Me and Orson Welles," in which Welles responds to a fellow actor's complaint that "he is an arrogant, selfish..." with the line:"I am Orson Welles, and every single one of you stands here as an adjunct to my vision. you don't like the way I work here, there's the door."


It was tempting to say that Sept.11 changed all that, just as it is tempting to say that every hero needs a villain, and good needs evil as its grinding stone.


With the down home sounds of the fiddle, whistle, acoustic guitar, mandolin, bass, percussion and keyboards backing up Coulter on piano, each composition shines with a traditional flair sure to strike a chord with listeners.

在背景音乐中,小提琴、口哨、声学吉他、曼陀铃、贝司、打击乐器和键盘乐器等淳朴热情的旋律均成为了 Coulter 钢琴独奏的陪衬,每首作品都闪耀着传统曲风的光芒,打动着听众的心弦。

In addition, many development and construction units to strategic vision towards the residential district planning design, they will be a lot of energy on the project planning and design, not satisfied with the design programme, not easily started construction, but after the first environmental building business ideas in the development of our enterprises consensus has been formed, They not only focus on creating a small internal environment, and focus on the external environment for small building, such as confidence Lido Gardens housing project built in the former, not only create a beautiful small internal environment, but also the use of high-pressure area, a corridor built on the sand covering the park, not only for the urban environment increased spot, but a better foil a small environment.


In general, the contributions he made can be examined in several aspects—"changing the status and appearance of scenery poems,"(consisting of transformation "from subordination to independence,""from xuan yan to natural world," and "from pure 'old style' verse to a creation in which ode was absorbed into poems")"causing symmetrical prose of Six Dynasty to be more mature,""contributing to the formation of Tang Dynasty's regulated verse,""inspiring multiple assessment of natural beauty for later generations,""providing excellent examples of creation for literates to come" and so forth.


In order to reflect the value of the pattern as a historical and cultural heritage Sichuan Brocadeexperts through research and development for more than one year have made the pattern available onSichuan Brocade with their unique esoteric technique for making the ancient Sichuan Brocade. Theedge of the pattern is covered by multiple-layer of wefts which serve as a foil to set off the patternwarpwise and a magic tree serves as a support to the flaming sun.


In order to reflect the value of the pattern as a historical and cultural heritage Sichuan Brocadeexperts through research and development for more than one year have made the pattern available onSichuan Brocade with their unique esoteric technique for making the ancient Sichuan Brocade. Theedge of the pattern is covered by multiple-layer of wefts which serve as a foil to set off the patternwarpwise and a magic tree serves as a support to the flaming sun.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
