英语人>网络例句>问题是 相关的搜索结果


与 问题是 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Firstly, the birth and growing of commodity economy influence that of accounting dominantly, while accounting developed with the commodity economy developing.


Key management is the core problem of network system security, which deals with the correlative problems from key being generated to ultimately destroyed; it includes system initialization, key generation, key encasement, key distribution, key storage, key renovation, key destruction, etc. Thereinto key distribution and key storage are the two most intractable taches of key management.


Illinois,"It is useless to argue about taste and even more useless to litigate it", and that is the case here, the jury has already determined that this is a matter of taste, not matter of law, because they've said there is no libelous speech that nobody could reasonably believe that Hustler was actually suggesting that Jerry Falwell had sex with his mother.

Illinois一案中,您自己曾说过,"争论品味问题是没有意义的,更不要说因此而提起诉讼",本案陪审团已经认定这是一个品味问题,而不是法律问题,因为他们已经裁定本案没有诽谤的言论,没有一个理性的人会相信,《皮条客》杂志说Jerry Falwell跟他母亲乱交是真的。

Before Quesnay and the French economists there existed only a practice of political economy which was exercised by the State officials, administrators, and authors who wrote about matters of administration, occupied themselves exclusively with the agriculture, manufactures, commerce, and navigation of those countries to which they belonged, without analysing the causes of wealth, or taking at all into consideration the interests of the whole human race.


The real borehole axis is not an ideal straight line, but a helical line with arbitrary curvature, so the contact problem between the down-hole string and the borehole face is a kind of arbitrary contact nonlinear mechanics problem, which can not be solved by the common methods from material mechanics and structural mechanics.


Peasant is the critical problem of"Three Rural Issues"which connected with Peasants Agriculture and the countryside, and the key of peasant problem is to increase the income of farmer, which is an important symbol to integrated reflect the rural economic development achievement, and a main mark to scale farmer's living level.


Maximum Clique problem is a classic NP hard combinatorial optimization problem, a lot of practical problems can be abstracted as undirected graph of the largest corporations to solve the problem, therefore, the largest corporation on the issue of research both in theory and in fact have a major significance.


Same as other thinkers in Middle Ages, the question of God's existence is the key of Bonaventure system. God is the beginning and the end our thinking and action, and all the theory is built according to God.


Scientific progress is the hyle of scientific development, the problem of scientific progress is one of the kernel problems in conception of science, and it also makes the investigation of the other problem in philosophy of science deepgoing .


This thesis starts with analysis of the practical advantages of electronic business comparing with the traditional ones and the basic conditions of developing electronic business. It claims that taxation is a difficult point of electronic business, and points out fell main problems of taxation on the reference of methods of basic problems coped with electronic business by some international organizations and governments. On the base of this, it attempts to point out the basic clues of resolving the problems in commercial taxation of China today and our counter-measures and suggestions. And this can serve for the administration of taxation in China, promoting it to link with internation as soon as possible and become one of the strong countries, which is internationlization ineconomic information.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
