英语人>网络例句>错觉的 相关的搜索结果


与 错觉的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But all grown persons ineffably distrust one another. In courtship, I grant you, there is a passing aberration which often mimics tenderness, sometimes as the result of honest delusion, but more frequently as an ambuscade in the endless struggle between man and woman.


Here, gentlemen, is our difficulty: When we plead our cause before the law-makers and savants of the republic, they can not take in the idea that men and women are alike; and so long as the mass rest in this delusion, the public mind will not be so much startled by the revelations made of the injustice and degradation of woman's position as by the fact that she should at length wake up to a sense of it....


As a result of the tension between these two tendencies, the book reviewer has to balance a reassuringly authoritative display of his opinion/attitude with a concernto be accepted by the reader as true or accurate and to show appropriate consideration for the reader on an interpersonal level. All these constitute the complexity of interpersonal meaning of EABR.With various modal expressions, such as modal auxiliaries, modal adjuncts, metaphors of modality, the reviewer tries to mitigate his opinion to claim different degrees of certainty so as to make his writing convincing as well as revealing; He addresses readers as "you" to exclude them from his group and make himself prominent.


This thesis will expound this central subject under discussion by the following aspects: The first part of this thesis fully taps the characters of image that shows different schematic style from film and painting by using methods of comparative study and theoretical study and by using methods of contemporary visual culture, such as: iconology, theories of style, semiotics, morphology and so on.


This thesis will expound this central subject under discussion by the following aspects:The first part of this thesis fully taps the characters of image that showsdifferent schematic style from film and painting by using methods of comparative study and theoretical study and by using methods of contemporary visual culture, such as: iconology, theories of style, semiotics, morphology and so on.


The consecutive Full Moons are all shown atthe same scale, so unlike the famous Moon Illusion the change inapparent size seen here is real.


Inclined or not, the design effectuates queer optical illusion but never in dramatic visual distortion. It is a rich, ever linking labyrinth abstract device frequently used by the Dutch Op Art artist Escher.


Most of us are so lost in our delusions that we actually believe them to be permanent, and when the illusion we've created reveals itself in its true colours, we suffer the most unbearable agonies.


Secondly, the incisors grow faster, then the beginning of next to no longer permanent, in the "free" environment will, of course, a large growth, but within the next two years to grow permanent incisors on the natural limits; the most important point is that "parents feel that the incisors are the wrong impression", after the permanent teeth will not grow up stereotypes, so on the child's little face, mouth does not match, it appears to "Super", as the children grow up day by day face, bone development, facial development, such as children and adults will face the size of incisors is coordination of the match,"So we say that time will the children from 'ugly duckling' change 'Swan'."


Besides the traditional fields of aviation medicine such as high altitude hypoxia, acceleration tolerance, flight illusion, etc., the emphasis of research work should be placed even more on the pilot selection, health care, aeromedical training and aviation ergonomics in the future, and on the establishment of the integrated and systemic aeromedical support measures, so as to provide entirely physiological protection to the pilots working in severe environments, and to optimize the ergonomic design of man-machine interface for improving human capabilities in flight.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
