英语人>网络例句>重复说 相关的搜索结果


与 重复说 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

No boss wants to repeat himself or herself ad nauseam.


No boss wants to repeat himself o r herself ad nauseam.


No boss requires to repeat himself or ITself ad nauseam.


His hat a silk one was inadvertently knocked off and, as a matter of strict history, Bloom was the man who picked it up in the crush after witnessing the occurrence meaning to return it to him (and return it to him he did with the utmost celerity) who panting and hatless and whose thoughts were miles away from his hat at the time all the same being a gentleman born with a stake in the country he, as a matter of fact, having gone into it more for the kudos of the thing than anything else, what's bred in the bone instilled into him in infancy at his mother's knee in the shape of knowing what good form was came out at once because he turned round to the donor and thanked him with perfect aplomb , saying: Thank you, sir , though in a very different tone of voice from the ornament of the legal profession whose headgear Bloom also set to rights earlier in the course of the day, history repeating itself with a difference, after the burial of a mutual friend when they had left him alone in his glory after the grim task of having committed his remains to the grave.


The trial cannot proceed,' said the King in a very grave voice, 'until all the jurymen are back in their proper places-- ALL,' he repeated with great emphasis, looking hard at Alice as he said do.


The Dayan said to the Arab," please repeat to the Kadi, may his glory be great, what you said to your wife last night"


A was on the phone Well, such is life Latino caribo, mondo bongo The flower looks good in your hair Latino caribo, mondo bongo Nobody said it was fair, oh Latino caribo, mondo bongo The flower looks good in your hair Latino caribo, mondo bongo Nobody said it was fair Latino caribo, mondo bongo The flower looks good in your hair Latino caribo, mondo bongo Nobody said it was fair For the Zapatistas I'll rob my sisters Of all the curtain and lace Down at the bauxite mine You get your own uniform Have lunchtimes off Take a monorail to your home Checkmate, baby

拉丁美洲人,加勒比人,mondo bongo 你头上的花看起来不错,拉丁美洲人,加勒比人,mondo bongo 但没人说它美丽重复~~~~为了萨帕塔主义,我抢下姐妹们的所有窗帘和缎带在矾土矿石上你得到你自己的制服,失去了午餐时间沿着铁路回家,宝贝上帝保佑我们和我们游荡的家现在我们回家拉丁美洲人,加勒比人,mondo bongo 你头上的花看起来不错,拉丁美洲人,加勒比人,mondo bongo 但没人说它美丽

Sometimes words will sound broken or mixed up, but with practice and from hearing the phrases repeated, the mynah learns to speak the words more clearly.


Indeed, he had hooked himself on to it with his elbows, as a safeguard against sliding under it, and he was making inane attempts to light his pipe at the flame of a guttering tallow candle near him.


If you can't follow the speaker you can repeat the key words you think you heard like "three blocks." In this way, the speaker will realize that he has been speaking too first and will probably slow down for you.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
