英语人>网络例句>逝去 相关的搜索结果


与 逝去 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This impoverished mother memorizes her passed youth listless.


It's no use mewling over bygone glories of a probably mythical golden age of foreign corresponding.


My old lover represents a part of my past, my misspent youth, and many memories that are important to me.


As the New Deal generation dies off, it is being replaced by one far more skeptical about Social Security.


This is an extraordinary phenomena which I have suddenly discovered that with the loss of that person, or with the loss of some profound conclusion, concept which I have held most dear, suddenly that has been shattered.


Many, many insects and worms had perished in recent weeks, but no one mourned their loss.


But at the same time, something of your real self dies, because objectified meanings lose the actuality they have in consciousness.


I'm only slightly ashamed to admit that I found myself hoping that the strike would shut the Academy Awards down; that for once, in a year of such cinematic bounty and variety, appreciation for the best movies could be liberated from the pomp and tedium of Hollywood spectacle. It's not that I'm against the spectacle as such. I'm hardly immune to the tears, and political speeches, or low-cut dresses. I even hum along with the overproduced, underwhelming renditions of the nominated songs. And I genuinely love the film industry's earnest tributes to its past: the lifetime achievement awards, the sentimental statuettes bestowed on venerated old-timers, the clips and stills of the recently departed.


But time is special in a sense that it can not be recaptured once it has passed .


The joy that has elapsed can only be reminisced nowadays .


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Life. But the intrinsic way of the Internet by wire confines accessing and using of the network information.


I have a strong persuasion that this is true .


Baby One More Time, outfitted her in full Catholic-school regalia, and sent her well on the way to becoming an international sex symbol.
