英语人>网络例句>轻舟 相关的搜索结果


与 轻舟 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Boats on water, cruising in Royal Garden, green water, green trees, and you feel surprised by a sudden piece of red, just like kermes on fairy's face.


A short light oar used without an oarlock to propel a canoe or small boat.


A seagoing canoe with an outrigger to prevent it from upsetting.


The results indicate that the use of aluminum alloy sandwich panel was a effective way to decrease the structure weight of pontoon.


Field surrounding the earth spring rape golden, green tea rhizomorph, ancient residential areas have wonderful embellishment, a piece of China's most beautiful rural landscape, Autumn Moon Bay is located in the Town of gold near the village, along the Anhui Wuyuan to break ling along the road, it is go to a small bridge, flowing waterHang Li and great family home Jiangwan the way to the county from around Wuli county, the river landscape by a river Chau Mei-yue named as one is fascinated photographers love the place, and in the event of Rain Weather , Moon Bay Mist transpiration, and the wind blowing through the surface Adventure, Taoyuan as a sense of paradise.


When driving a sylph tuk, little boats, leading to XuanRan, and cry, o fairy side.


Cross's beguilingly understated video Teacup uses a clip from one of the most hallowed representations of Irish life, Robert O'Flaherty's 1930s film Man of Aran which shows fishermen rowing a small boat over stormy Atlantic waves - contained by what, in Ireland, is seen as a traditionally female ritual, tea drinking, to comment on masculinity and femininity, nature and culture, the past and the present.

有趣含蓄的影象作品Teacup选取了最能神圣化代表爱尔兰生活的由Robert O'Flaherty 与20世纪30年代拍摄的电影《The Man of Aran》的片段在大西洋汹涌的波涛中渔夫摇曳着一叶轻舟

You have destroyed your vow to Eul when you met on that fateful summers noon as a young and lost map developer who didn't have a true purpose in the world and decided to ask those with more wisdom because you were afraid of being unable to live up to the great expectations bestowed upon you, down at the serene windy lake with it's glassy surface and lone fisherman in a small and easily overturnable boat hovering quite near the center worrying about feeding his family and the deers trotting off in the distance being jealously eyed by small rabbits who envied their youthfulness but at the same time were glad they were such innocent symbols of cuteness that were sometimes ignored by the American MEDIA, you have destroyed the oath you took with him as he decided to leave the glowing jeweled crown with the more exuberant youth of his dying generation.


The conversation continues on a punt, then on a brisk walk around the university parks, then over tea, which slips into sherry, and afterwards a splendiferous "high table" dinner.


A stabilizer for a canoe; spars attach to a shaped log or pontoon parallel to the hull.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
