英语人>网络例句>身体细胞 相关的搜索结果


与 身体细胞 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

There are about 75 trillion cells in your body, and they provide you with adenosine triphosphate, the basic energy for everything that your body does, whether it's breathing, dreaming, eating or exercising.


MSM is a natural sulfur-containing compound produced by kelp in the ocean. Sulfur is stored in almost every cell in the body. The highest concentrations are found in joints, hair, skin, and nails. MSM is claimed to be an antioxidant, cell rejuvenator, and joint healer.

MSM 是methyl-sulfonyl-methane的简称,它是一种自然有机的硫磺,硫磺是身体内第四大主要成份,而且在身体内的每个细胞内都可找到硫磺的成份,在食物中也可以找到硫磺的成份,但是因为清洗烹煮而会使硫磺成份流失,身体会藉用MSM来制造健康的新细胞,和增进身体的健康,同时MSM亦被视为是一种天然的止痛和抗肿成份。

Leydig cell is the main secretor of testosterone, and its secretory volume maybe 95% of testosterone in body; so many national scientific research centers put their keystones on Leydig cell's culture and transplant in vitro.


If we allow extreme individualism to thrive as a tumorous cell would, absorbing the nutrients needed by other cells, the health of the entire organism is threatened, as this kind of cell is essentially a cancer.


According to yoga ,the pranamaya kosha forms the fine network through which prana flows.it is known as the pranic,etheric or bioplasmic bldy.this energy body is said to have the same shape as the physical body.however,through certain yogic techniques,concentration and visualization,te practioner is able to make it expand and contract ,especially through the technique of prana vidya.if our perception was finely attuned to the pranic body ,we would see a body of light in which there are thousands of delicate ,wire like structures conducting shakti or energy.these wire-like structures are the nadis or energy flows.the shiva samhita says that altogether there are 350,000 nadis in the body ,the prapanchasara tantra says 300,000 and the Goraksha sartaka says 72,000.there are thousands upon thousands of nadis within the substructure of the gross bosy and they distribute consciousness and prana to every atom.

根据瑜伽中说的,能量的混合形成网络,促成能量流的形成。能量、空的属性被称为是植物性神经属性的身体。能量和肉体的身体是同样的容积的。全,通过练习某些瑜伽技巧,特别是通过某些独特的呼吸方法,集中和内观,那么练习者就能够让扩大收缩强能量。如果我们能够更好的掌控能量的身体,我们就能够看见成千上万个微妙的、线状结构的光芒掌握着能量。那么SHIVA SAMHITA说在身体中总共有350,000个通道。THE PRAPANCHASARA TANTRA 说有300,000个,TEH GORAKSHA SARTAKA说有72,000个,总而言之,意识和能量就是通过这些成千上万的通道被分送到身体的每一个细胞的。

Horny layer is the outmost layer of epidermis, its thickness is decided by different parts of human body, it's about 0.02mm at the thinnest parts, and 0.5mm at the thickest. It is made up of 5-10 layers of enucleated cornified cells that contains keratin and horny fat, which has the capability of resisting weak acids and weak bases , they array closely and become a natural barrier to moisture content and some chemical substances, so as to prevent the water logging of bodily fluids and endosmose of chemical substances.


The human body from numerous organizations, from small cells, each cell and between cells and the neurovascular link trail network.


We suppose that there is a presently undefined subfraction of stem cell population that exists in a number of tissues beyond embryonic development. We term them postembryonic pluripotent stem cells. They differ from embryonic stem cells in that they gradually lose some differentiation potentials during development and adopt some special phenotypes once within a certain tissue. They can give rise to different kinds of stem cells; therefore, help to maintain balance during development and metabolism. They provide cells not only for the damaged tissues they reside, but also for damaged tissues different from them by migration triggered by proinflammatory cytokines or growth factors.


Surrounding each cell is a substance that much like glue holds the cells together so that the body does not collapse into a puddle of mostly water upon the floor.


When I ask myself, If this food is going to become part of my physical cells, do I really want this to become a part of my bicep … or my brain… or my eyeball???


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
