英语人>网络例句>视运动 相关的搜索结果


与 视运动 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

They found upon careful examination of the subjects that the deficit was specific to vocalization; they called it pure mutism, perhaps to distinguish it from akinetic mutism, which is due to hypothalamic lesions and is primarily a syndrome of apathy and disinterest.


Second, charts represented the only visual, factual record of a stock's movement that was not filtered through some financial news analyst or stock market guru.


The strong responses of nLM neurons to whole-field patterns can be explained by integration of visual responses to many small edges within the stimulus pattern.


Give out the trigonometric function solutions of fourth order equations, as a example with rectilinearly accelerating the Kerr black hole, the event horizon of non sphere symmetric and non stationary black hole are studied.


Neuronal cell bodies and fibers with moderate mGluR7-LI were seen in the olfactory bulb,anterior olfactory nucleus,piriform cortex,septofimbrial nucleus,bed nucleus of the strial terminalis,lateral hypothalamic area,paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus,supramammillary nucleus,medial and lateral mammillary nuclei,most part of the thalamus,medial and lateral geniculate bodies,nucleus of the optic tract,red nucleus,substantia nigra,interpeduncular nucleus,pontine nuclei,lateral parabrachial nucleus,superior olivary complex,nucleus of the trapezoid body,motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve,facial nucleus,ambiguus nucleus,cochlear nucleus,vestibular nuclei,nucleus of the solitary tract,hypoglossal nucleus,prepositus hypoglossal nucleus,medullary reticular formation,Purkinje cells of the cerebellum,nucleus raphe obscurus,intermediolateral nucleus of the spinal cord,Onuf′s nucleus and lamina X of the spinal cord.


For the data provided by BCI competition,the parallel coordinates visualization method is used to recognize the imaginary right and left hand movements based on the phase synchronization coherency index and linear discriminant analysis.


There are mainly two ways to track the sun, photoelectricity track and sun angle track.


There are several standards for motion video signals, which determine the frame rate to achieve proper continuity of motion.


Regarding (6) type, when tradition Time variable t is two spatial vectors (+ psi 1i) and (- psi 2j) Crossed products v also is not 0, it (x1, x2, x3) differs 90 compared to on speed with the three-dimensional space in the space by the pure imaginary number attribute, I=e^I pi, therefore it Number space has in the physical property with the dot product constitution the difference, because Crossed products psi 1i (X psi 2j extremely small visible it is equal to zero under the conventional speed, but is very big in the object movement speed time, Crossed products psi 1i (X psi 2j in the physical quantity and for the quantum mechanics in may not to the easy quantity, its space and the conventional space is different, the performance is intrinsic or the interior space If the definition vector (+ psi 1i) and (- psi 2j) the dot product constitutes the three-dimensional space (x1, x2, x3) is exterior space, but the three-dimensional space which (+ psi 1i) and (- psi 2j) Crossed products constitutes by the vector is the internal space, contrasts its component


As the modern astronomical observational technique with the highest resolution, VLBI can provide key contribution to the study of relativistic jets structure, superluminal motion and bending jet of γ-ray AGNs. It is helpful to discover the relationship between γ-ray and radio emission of them.

VLBI技术是现代天文观测中能获得最高分辨本领的观测手段,利用VLBI技术对γ-ray AGNs的相对论射电喷流结构、视超光速运动和喷流的弯曲进行研究,将有助于我们探索该类源的γ-ray和射电辐射的关系。

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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
