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与 英语学者 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Most of the old English poetry , prose and records that have survived were composed or written down by scholar—monks: one of the best known was the Venerable Bede (673—735) who lived in a Northumbrian monastery.

多数流传至今的古英语诗歌、散文和记录,都是由学者—修道士创作和记下的。其中,众所周知的就是维拉内波皮特[Venerable Bede (673—735)]。他当时生活在一个诺森伯兰郡的修道院。

The author in this paper considers that the coherence is a comprehensive concept, and any concept is just the description from one aspect. This paper carries on the analysis from the perspective of thought pattern at the cognitive level. According to the discussion on Kaplan"s viewpoint and the contrary arguments by the other scholars, the conclusion can be made as the contrastive analysis based on the texts parallel in register tends to be tendentious, sketchy and indefinite, so the contrary examples provided by other scholars illustrate that it is impossible for modern Chinese text structure to be influenced by the traditional text structure of "ba gu wen alluded to by Kaplan. This paper provides contrastive analysis on the basis of texts parallel in translation, which can present the most essential different characteristics of Chinese and English texts, and guide the development of every aspect in the translation process, and help to convey the meaning of source language faithfully as well as to construct the text structure in different ways which possess the characteristics of their own languages.


While plenty of instructional studies have been made of come/go and lai/quin English and Chinese respectively,only a few researches have been particularly done on the contrastive analysis between the two pairs.


The result of this paper shows that our automatic move tagger performs with reasonably high precision, and providing an automatic, practical and fast move tagger for non-native speakers to understand or write well-structured abstracts.


It is the only speciality book written bilingually in the field of clinical cytology, and may be a rare reference book for the reading public of fundamental and clinical medical sciences in need of training in special English as well as beneficial to communication with international colleagues.


The paper advocates that all foreign language teachers should improve the traditional teaching approaches by affiliating the affective factor with them.


But it is the university, with its 15,000 students, dozens of colleges, and accumulated museums, houses, churches, libraries, gardens, parks, and offices, that dominates the look and temperament of the city, fills its core with bookshops, pubs, bicycles, and scholars, and suffuses the whole with a weighty sense of learning


People are particularly stressed out right now, and often emotional stress turns to physical stress, which turns to worse posture, which turns to pain, which turns to more stress, says Wendy Young, a certified ergonomist in Houston and author of the e-book, getinsideyourcomfortzone.com.

Wendy Young是一位工作学学者,他说,&现在的人们压力太大了,心理压力经常转化为生理上的压力,这会导致人们采用更糟糕的工作姿势,进而引起疼痛,又转化为更大的压力。&来源:考试大-实用英语考试

People are particularly stressed out right now, and often emotional stress turns to physical stress, which turns to worse posture, which turns to pain, which turns to more stress, says Wendy Young, a certified ergonomist in Houston and author of the e-book, getinsideyourcomfortzone.com.

Wendy Young是一位工作学学者,他说,&现在的人们压力太大了,心理压力经常转化为生理上的压力,这会导致人们采用更糟糕的工作姿势,进而引起疼痛,又转化为更大的压力。&好多都看不懂,我英语好差啊郁闷,要努力啦!!!

Through his writings and knowledge of eight languages (Serbo-Croat, English, German, Italian, French, Latin, Pali, Sanskrit) he established himself as an outstanding scholar.


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I'm strongly against the death penalty — it's an eye for an eye.


And to get you the support you need, we're enlisting all elements of our national power: our diplomacy and development, our economic might and our moral suasion, so that you and the rest of our military do not bear the burden of our security alone.


Imagine yourself to be an actor in a play on the stage.
