英语人>网络例句>致意的 相关的搜索结果


与 致意的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

If they were resolute to accost her, she laid her finger on the scarlet letter and passed on.


Someday, I will go there, someday to say hello to your soul az w8BK

总有一天,我要回到那儿,向祖国的灵魂致意 N-^\eln

Let me say hi to all the people from Argentina, from Cordoba, from Unquillo who are all here today watching the shooting.

在此我向你致意,向Unquillo, Cordoba,以及全阿根廷所有今天看了这段片子的人们问好。

Death Metal:"Disposal of the Body" by Cannibal Corpse,"Homage for Satan" by Deicide,"Post Mortal Ejaculation" by Cannibal Corpse,"The Exorcist" by Possessed,"The Optimist" by Skinless,"4:20" by Six Feet Under,"Stabwound" by Necrophagist,"Egypt, the Red Earth" by Necronomicon,"Buried By The Dead" by Bloodbath,"Sick Salvation" by Bloodbath,"Prometherion" by Behemoth,"Scrolls of the Megilloth" by Mortification,"Demon of the Fall" by Opeth.


Besides, still have John · Strauss's "legal action process fleetness Bohr gets stuck " and "noble Hungarian , fleetness Bohr get stuck "; Edward · Strauss "express train mail car fleetness Bohr gets stuck " draws giving Prag regards , France Bohr gets stuck "; Joseph · Shite is angry with this ", the artist's giving regards , France sound waltz of Bohr card " and "the Virgin Mary.

此外, 还有约翰·施特劳斯的《爱之歌圆舞曲》、《美酒、女人和歌圆舞曲》、《波斯进行曲》、《诉讼过程快速波尔卡》和《高贵的匈牙利人、快速波尔卡》;爱德华·施特劳斯《特快邮车快速波尔卡》和《向布拉格致意,法兰西波尔卡》;约瑟夫·施特恼斯的《蜻蜓玛祖卡波尔卡》、《艺术家的致意,法兰西波尔卡》和《圣母之声圆舞曲》。

Please give my best wishes to your mother.


Aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee} from 1 and a presumed form of 4685; TDNT - 1:496,84; v AV - salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1; 60 1 to draw to one's self 1a to salute one, greet, bid welcome, wish well to 1b to receive joyfully, welcome Used of those accosting anyone; of those who visit one to see him a little while, departing almost immediately afterwards; to pay respects to a distinguished person by visiting him; of those who greet one whom they meet in the way (even not in the East, Christians and Mohammedans do not greet one another); a salutation was made not merely by a slight gesture and a few words, but generally by embracing and kissing, a journey was retarded frequently by saluting.

相关经文回前一页 782 aspazomai {as-pad'-zom-ahee}源於 1 (表联合的质词/语助词)和被认为是 4685 的另一型的字; TDNT - 1:496,84;动词 AV - salute 42, greet 15, embrace 2, take leave 1; 60 1 使彼此接近 1a 向人致敬致意,问候,致意邀请,祝福 1b 欢喜接待,欢迎用以指那些任意向人搭讪;短暂拜访某人,几乎是立即就离开的情形;拜访有名的人以对他表达敬意;在路一相遇时的问候(即使不在东方,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒彼此也不相问候);一种致意,不仅只是一个手势或几句话,通常都是彼此拥抱和亲吻,旅程甚致常因此而受到延缓。

In another set of works of the same series《Chairman》, Mao's statue on a pedestal assumes exactly the same waving posture. This posture is a classic image of Mao in the Nation's visual memory - as though he still stood on the Tiananmen Tower, proclaiming the establishment of People's Republic of China, or receiving thousands of red guards during the Cultural Revolution. But the artist tries to plot a difference in this iconic gesture. Mao's palm is painted in the shape of a hand gun. By doing so, he also instils a sense of violence in a solemn and imposing spiritual symbol. The replaced gesture evokes different kinds of historical memories - memories of civil war, memories of class struggles, as well as memories of total destruction.


Death Metal:"Disposal of the Body" by Cannibal Corpse,"Homage for Satan" by Deicide,"Post Mortal Ejaculation" by Cannibal Corpse,"The Exorcist" by Possessed,"The Optimist" by Skinless,"4:20" by Six Feet Under,"Stabwound" by Necrophagist,"Egypt, the Red Earth" by Necronomicon,"Buried By The Dead" by Bloodbath,"Sick Salvation" by Bloodbath,"Prometherion" by Behemoth,"Scrolls of the Megilloth" by Mortification,"Demon of the Fall" by Opeth.


The wall around Gilderoy's headboard, for instance, was papered with pictures of himself, all beaming toothily and waving at the new arrivals.


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I am sure after a few weeks of adaptation and familiarization I will have no difficulty in functioning on a daily basis in an English speaking society or in participating fully in graduate studies.


As the first volcanoes erupted, one of the gases that bellowed out was steam.


I will refer to both turbos and blowers as supercharging.
