英语人>网络例句>自觉地 相关的搜索结果


与 自觉地 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But even if there was abuse, the Church is not responsible for the aberrations of individuals, nor does her teaching become wrong if misunderstood or misapplied, as might have been done inadvertently or unconsciously, even by the holiest of her children, in the exaggerated use of corporal penance.


Let's look at a real working example of this: You are in the supermarket and, unbeknownst to you, Muzak is playing in the background. The next thing you know you are humming "Hello, Dolly" in your mind for the rest of the day.

让我们看看一个实例:当你在超市中不自觉地听见Muzak的播放,下一秒你会发现自己那一天心中不断地哼着"Hello, Dolly"的歌词内容。

Unfortunately, we are living in the era of nihilism, whether in the theoretical level, or in the real level, it enveloped us the same as the air, which all the time affect us so that we can not escape, it is very easy to allow the mercy; But fortunately, we are in relatively mature period of nihilism, so we could have a chance to feel it and can stand on the shoulders of giants to know it, and analyse true existence state of human being in the era of nihilism, and on this basis can consciously overcome human being's nihil, and achieve the comprehensive development of human being.


The most natural moment for declaring the changes he proposed to effect occurred therefore at his entrance on the praetorship, and hence, when commencing his duties, he did openly and avowedly that which in the end his English representative does insensibly and sometimes unconsciously.


Videos are deluging, which are artificially blur the real meanings of visual form; technology, medium, even fashion transmitting screwy which are eliminating difference and pulchritude from imagination. We think that nothing will prevalent really.


But we can purposefully develop good habits in just 15 minutes a day.


This is degree of our ability to overcome handicaps, consciously integrate our self-knowing, and mobilize our powers to take better advantage of worldly opportunities.


But though Gentile writers do not give us any information about Christ and the early stages of Christianity which we do not possess in the Gospels, and though their statements are made with unconcealed hatred and contempt, still they unwittingly prove the historical value of the facts related by the Evangelists.


He had to eat as he had never eaten before, to handle strange tools, to glance surreptitiously about learn how to accomplish each new thing, to receive the flood of impressions that was pouring in upon him being mentally annotated classified; to be conscious of a yearning for her that perturbed him in the form of a dull, aching restlessness; to feel the prod of desire to win to the walk in life whereon she trod, to have his mind ever again straying off in speculation vague plans of how to reach to her.

对她的渴望在他心里升起,那感觉以一种隐约而痛苦的不安困扰着他。他感到欲望催逼他前进,要他跻身于她的生活圈子,逼得他不断 ssbbww.Com 胡思乱想,不断 ssbbww.Com 朦胧地思考着如何接近她。而巨,在他偷偷窥视对面的诺尔曼和其他人,要想知道什么时候用什么刀叉时,心中也在研究那人的特点,同时 ssb§bww.com 不自觉地衡量8ttt8着、鉴定着——一切都是因为8 Tt t 8。

Chapter One explores Satan viewed as a hero who has won the sympathy of the author. When describing Satan, due to his life experiences, Milton subconsciously characterizes the image as one who indomitably resists tyranny, injustice and authority, and yearns for freedom.


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With the development of highway construction, the speed of cars has been gradually increased.


So we basically had to develop a bond with the animal in terms of socializing with it.


"Comrade, I will be late for school. Please take me to my school, will you?"
