英语人>网络例句>自然的 相关的搜索结果


与 自然的 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That's nature's will, and I'm against nature.


Natural beauty is an all-pervading 2 presence.


Section one mainly analyzes the relationship of supernaturalism with nature,the premise of supernaturalism is copying beautiful things in the nature,the aim of supernatural doctrine is surmounting the nature,section two mainly analyzes the relation of supernaturalism and his imagination theories.


This chapter intends to discuss culture influence on the nature and on relationship between human and nature,to introspect cultural crisis.


The idea of animatism stresses absolute conformity; the practice under Taoist'sview of nature undergoes the process from nonaction to "entirely swayed bynature"; the idea of the division between man and heaven attaches importance tothe conformity with the rules of nature; while the idea of the integration of manand heaven stresses the conformity with natural as well as social principles.


Use the five-element 汤池/ odorum / Yin - Yang and gold / fire / soil water which propagates complementary principles, namely, to join the platycodon, cassiae, dioscoreae, miltiorrhiza, a smooth, liandu and demethyltetrandrine soup, a number of different respectively to human lungs, liver, kidney, heart, spleen has a very good curative effect and health effects.

天体浴 它是花都温泉源于自然的一个主题区域——天体浴。采用男女分浴,中间用篱笆相隔,&只闻其声不见其人&,水雾弥漫里更平添朦胧飘渺之感,让人恍如梦中。自高而下的水瀑布平分两区,体现了男女平等。在这里您可以忘却世俗观念,尽情的融入温泉、融入自然,让所有的世间琐事抛之脑后,整体突出返璞归真、天人合一。也充分体现了花都温泉&水之灵,花之魂,物我交融、天人合一&的自然、生态、休闲之&健康养生观&。

Yijing is one aesthetic space which is indited at the chain of coming from the nature, expressing naturally and grasping the truth of the nature. What are agglutinated in the space are the enquiry of life value, the think of true life meaning and the yearn to free ideal.


It concentrates as the optimization of the ecological environment and the improvement of the ecological relationship.


The introduction of the concept of natural capital represents new, more ecologically wared thinking in economics. The metaphor of natural capital emphasizes an active view of nature.


In order to increase the sense of nature, bluestone from suburb stands in the hallway of the high floors. Such unpolished bluestones bring a freedom feeling. People can touch the natural elements even if they lived in the high floors.


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Methods: Five patients with parkinsonism or dystonia were assigned to general anesthesia using an modified endotracheal tube.


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The report also shows that the proportion of unmarried men and women living together has doubled between 1986 and 2006, with 13 per cent of those aged 16 to 59 now cohabiting.
