英语人>网络例句>肌无力 相关的搜索结果


与 肌无力 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

We present this case to remind clinicians that if low back pain, especially combined with lower limb weakness are present in patients, psoas abscess should be considered even if no fever.


The face is paralytic can happen at all ages, but 15~45 year old the commonnest, come on the peak is reached inside over number hour or 1~3 D, can incline the head unhealthily at the beginning of disease or ache after mandible horn, expression breaks down for flesh of a side countenance, frontal grain disappears, the eye is cracked greaten or close faint, when closing a key point, eyeball up foreign and rotational, show white sclerotic, call Bell the phenomenon, channel of ill side nose lip becomes shallow, quarrel prolapse, side of crooked Xiang Jian of the quarrel when grinningly, rouse cheek or whistle hourglass is enraged, the food when taking food often stops to age at ill side buccal between, at the same time companion has weep reach salivate.

面麻痹可发生于所有年龄,但15~45岁最常见,发病多于数小时或1~3 d内达到高峰,病初可有病侧耳或下颌角后疼痛,表现为一侧面部表情肌瘫痪、额纹消失、眼裂变大或闭合无力,闭眼时,眼球向上外方转动,露出白色巩膜,称Bell现象,病侧鼻唇沟变浅,口角下垂,露齿时口角歪向健侧,鼓腮或吹口哨时漏气,进食时食物常滞留于病侧齿颊之间,同时伴有流泪及流涎。

Myotonic dystrophy is a degenerative disease characterized by progressive muscle wasting and weakness.


Pain or weakness on isometric testing of arm elevation suggests involvement of the supraspinatus.


In the morning and evening taking a bag.One month for a courseof treatment. Continuous use of two courses. 3 The curative effect 3.1 Effect of clinical symptoms: a limb numbness and lancinating painor burning,flashing a knife-like pain or pain, with or without muscleatrophy weakness, depth of feeling significantly diminish.

3疗效观察 3.1临床主要相关症状:有肢体麻木及针刺样或烧灼样疼痛、闪痛或刀割样疼痛,伴或不伴肌萎缩无力,深浅感觉明显减退。

Results They were characterized by onset before 18 monthes of age, frequent episodes of alternating paralysis lasting from a few minutes to several hours, together with transient occular palsies, nystagmus, choreoathetosis, autonomic dysfunction and development of congnitive impairment.

结果 6例患儿的临床特征为出生后18个月起内病,频繁发作,持续数分钟至数小时;短暂的眼球震颤,肌张力异常,舞蹈徐动样动作,植物神经机能紊乱和认知机能减退;睡眠可缓解无力及锥体外系症状。

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